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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语四六级听知认之四级英语频度听力(含MP3)



定 价:¥23.80

作 者: 林萌 主编
出版社: 大连理工大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语四级


ISBN: 9787561154489 出版时间: 2010-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 302 字数:  


  .\t听知认之——四级英语频度听力本书以大学英语四级听力为编排模式,分为short conversation, long conversation, passage, compound dictation四部分,每部分都给出了详尽的解析,在练习开头点名关键词,解析中指明考点,难点注释中列出难点词汇。每个单元还加入了背景导读,对新闻内容进行解析、拓展和延伸。本书选材地道新颖,内容均选自VOA、BBC两大世界主流权威媒体的最新新闻报道,以及托福、雅思两大主要世界级英语语言考试的文章。作者分析了从新题型考试的第一年到现在的所有四级听力题,根据所考真题的内容进行了归类,由最长考到次常考依次划分了本书的话题类型,具有很高的信度与效度。




Unit 1 Polygon Prism 社会多棱镜
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Modern Means of Communication—Telephone
现代通讯工具 ——电话
Passage Two Online Shopping — Our New Lifestyle
现代生活新主张 ——网上购物
Passage Three Living Online, Have You Tried?试试吧,开始网上生活
Section C
Compound Dictation On Cellphone手机小议
Unit 2 Focus 焦点访谈
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Living in the City, Attractive or Not城市生活,真的精彩吗?
Passage Two Choosing Bicycle as the City’s Transportation
城里的有 “车 ”一族
Passage Three Housing Problem in the USA美国的住房问题
Section C
Compound Dictation Competition of Modern Society当代社会的激烈竞争 …
Unit 3 The Social Hot Spots 社会热点
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Shortage of Oil匮乏的石油资源
Passage Two Facing Grain Crisis面临粮食危机
Passage Three On Water Resources话说淡水资源
Section C
Compound Dictation More Concerns about Environmental Crisis, Please
Unit 4 Career Development 奋斗职场
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One On Interview谈谈面试
Passage Two Most Women Prefer Working for Male Bosses
Passage Three Interview, Have You Suceeded?面试,你成功了吗?
Section C
Compound Dictation Tall People Lead Happier Lives高个子生活更幸福
Unit 5 Life of Wealth 财富人生
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Woolworths Faces Bankruptcy老牌零售商濒临倒闭
Passage Two The Business of America Is Business公事公办
Passage Three Bumper Chinese Car Sales中国汽车销售量跃居世界第一
Section C
Compound Dictation US Households Getting Richer愈加富裕的美国家庭
Unit 6 Figures 人物万花筒
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Nina Simone:American Famous Singer
Passage Two Mary Cassatt Broke Social Barriers with Her Art
Passage Three The First Black Player in Modern Major League Baseball
Section C
Compound Dictation Father of Hollywood好莱坞之父
Unit 7 Being Healthy 健康人生
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One A Lifetime of Dental Care今日护齿,受益终生
Passage Two Hoarseness: A Sign of Serious Illness
Passage Three Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You Sleep
Section C
Compound Dictation Emotions on Health情绪健康,你才真的健康
Unit 8 Bright Life 斑斓生活
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Names in America美国人的名字
Passage Two Wedding Customs in the US美式婚礼习俗
Passage Three Electronic Gifts Loved by American Youth
Section C
Compound Dictation The Unemployed? The Volunteer?失业者?志愿者?
Unit 9 Foreign Culture 异域文化
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section A
Passage One Welcome to American Parties欢迎参加美国聚会
Passage Two The Birth of Father’s Day父亲节的由来
Passage Three What Do You Know about the White House
Section C
Compound Dictation Have a Wonderful Christmas in the US美国的快乐圣诞
Unit 10 Education 文化教育
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One How to Write a Term Paper教你写学期论文
Passage Two Education: A New Start教育:新的开始
Passage Three Studying in the US: A Free Year at a Community College
Section C
Compound Dictation NYU Pushes Foreign Study纽约大学带动出国留学热
Unit 11 Human and Nature 人与自然
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Wetland Nature Reserve湿地保护区
Passage Two Heavy Snow Hits the UK大雪袭英国
Passage Three Tree-planting Scheme植树计划
Section C
Compound Dictation The Relationship Between Human and Nature人与自然,紧密相连
Unit 12 Entertainment Circles 艺术人生
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Passage Three Susan Boyle: the Instantly Famous Aunt苏珊.波伊尔:一夜成名的苏珊大妈
Passage Two The Last Performacne of Michael Jackson迈克尔.杰克逊的最后演出
Passage Three Golden Globe Awards金球奖,你知道吗
Section C
Compound Dictation Harry Potter Premiere哈里.波特首映式
Unit 13 Science and Technology 科技新主张
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One On Modern Technology现代科技小酌
Passage Two Gee, Computer Virus哇,中 “毒 ”了
Passage Three Technological Agriculture Is Here科技农业来了
Section C
Compound Dictation Genetically Modi.ed Foods: Tomatoes Are Tomatoes?转基因食品:番茄还是那个番茄吗?
Unit 14 Language 来吧,一起学语言
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One English Study: A Long Journey to Go学习英语:漫漫长路
Passage Two The Story of English Dictionaries英语字典的故事
Passage Three The Birth of Technical Words专业词汇的由来
Section C
Compound Dictation Historical Thesaurus to be Published巨型历代同义词词典,你终于可以出版了
Unit 15 Aero Space 航空航天——人类已久的梦
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One Return to The Moon返回月球
Passage Two Space Heroes, Welcome Back航天英雄,欢迎回来
Passage Three Space Trash, So Dangerous危险的太空垃圾
Section C
Compound Dictation NASA Completes First Asteroid Landing人类探测器首次降临小行星
