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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新时代大学英语综合教程2



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 吴文亮,唐国卿,牛蔚欣 主编
出版社: 航空工业出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787802434660 出版时间: 2010-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 159 字数:  






UNIT 1 Travel
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One:Listen and Practice
Part Two:Listen and Repeat
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II TryYour Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTlolNIII Try Your Hands
Letter of Accommodation Reservation
UNIT 2 Diet and Fitness
SECTl0IN I TryYourEars andMouth
Part One:Listen and Practice
Part Two:Listen and Repeat
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTl0N III Try Your Hands
Asking for a Leave of Absence
UNIT 3 Fashion
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One:Listen and Practice
Part Two:Listen and Repeat
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION III Try Your Hands
Complaint Letter
UNIT 4 The Internet
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One:Listen and Practice
Part Two:Listen and Repeat
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION III Try Your Hands
UNIT 5 Sports
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One:Listen and Practice
Part Two:Listen and Repeat
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION III Try Your Hands
UNIT 6 Entertain ment
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One:Listen and Practice
Part Two:Listen and Repeat
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION III Try Your Hands
Letter ofThanks
UNIT 7 Environmental Protection
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One:Listen and Practice
Part Two:Listen and Repeat
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II TryYour Brain
Text B
SECTION III Try Your Hands Memos
UNIT 8 Morality
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One:Listen and Practice
Part Two:Listen and Repeat
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION III Try Your Hands
I.O.U.and ReceiptI
