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作 者: 周孟华 主编
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787564122010 出版时间: 2010-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 162 字数:  






Unit One Campus Life
Passage One The Young Generation
Passage Two Dream
Passage Three Princeton University
More Information about Campus Life
Unit Two Education
Passage One Examinations Exert a Pernicious Influence on Education
Passage Two Children'S Language Learning
Passage Three Why Is the Native Language Learnt So Well?
More Information about Education
Unit Three Natural Environment
Passage One Plants and Man
Passage Two About the Sea
Passage Three One Way to Deal with the Increasing Human Population
More Information about Natural Environment
Unit Four Social Customs and Practices
Passage One Tea Drinking
Passage Two Life Going Casual
Passage Three Father's Day
More Intormation about Social Customs and Practices
Unit Five Study Abroad
Passage One Exchange-student Programmes
Passage Two Study at the Open University
Passage Three Foreign Exchange
More Information about Study Abroad
Unit Six Advertisement
Passage One“Help Wanted”Advertisements
Passage Two Advertisements for English Studies
Passage Three Usefulness of Advertisements
More Information about Advertisement
Unit Seven Health
Passage One TV's Harmfulness
Passage Two Strictly Ban Smoking
Passage Three Studies Show U.S.Spending doesn't Get Health
More Information about Heahh
Unit Eight Emotion
Passage One I Love You
Passage Two My Brother
Passage Three An Observation and Explanation
More Information about Emotion
Unit Nine Economy
Passage One The Law to Keep the Oil Industry under Control
Passage Two Mules
Passage Three Brands
More Information about Economy
Unit Ten Traveling
Passage One The Only Way to Travel Is on Foot
Passage Two Does Vacation Cost a Lot?
Passage Three The National Trust
More Information about Traveling
Unit Eleven Science and Technology
Passage One Who Is More Intelligent?
Passage Two The Gene Industry
Passage Three Will We Take Vacation in Space?
More Information about Science and Technology
Unit Twelve Bnsiness Communication
Passage One Meditation in Indonesian Business
Passage Two Different Communications
Passage Three How to Make a Good Impression
More Information about Business Communication
Unit Thirteen Sports
Passage One NBA
Passage Two Mountaineering
Passage Three Dangerous Experience
More Information about Spots
Unit Fourteen Cyber Life
Passage One Crime in Computer
Passage Two E-mail Management
Passage Three Interuet Shopping
More Information about Cyber Life
Unit Fifteen Historic Events and Persons
Passage One Holmes Knowledge
Passage Two O.Henry
Passage Three Vanity Publishing
More Intormation about Historie Events and Persons
Unit Sixteen Fashion
Passage One Women and Fashions
Passage Two Pop Stars Earn Much
Passage Three S.H.E.
More Information about Fashion
