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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语老外学汉语旅游汉语(第2册)



定 价:¥75.00

作 者: 《旅游汉语》节目组 编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 对外汉语


ISBN: 9787560092966 出版时间: 2010-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 194 字数:  


  《旅游汉语(第2册)》:This series lncludos:Five textbooksTwo giftDVDs for each textbookThe futures of each series:It provides a panoramic view of real-life scenes in China, with language progressing from the very basic usages to more sophisticated communications.The DVD programme takes you on a visual trip to more than 20 picturesque tourist spots and historic sites in nine provinces in China.Detailed English instructions provide friendly and encouraging assistance for beginners and self-qearners.Rich cultural knowledge and background information blend with authentic and interesting daily Chinese expressions.About the programme:The TV programme Travel in Chinese was shot on actual sites by China Central TV the national TV network and a promise of high quality.The programme becomes so popular among learners at home and abroad that it has been rebroadcast several times since first airing.It is hosted by Mark Rowswell(Dashan),an anchorman best known in China for his humorous and accurate style.




第1课 四川菜(1)
第2课 四川菜(2)
第3课 北京烤鸭(1)
第4课 火锅(2)
第5课 夜市
第6课 北京小吃
第7课 三里屯酒吧
第8课 后海酒吧
第9课 买衣服
第10课 买布鞋
第11课 买水果
第12课 北京大学
第13课 旧货市场
第14课 买中式服装
第15课 租车
第16课 茶馆
