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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语电工电子专业英语(第2版)



定 价:¥27.00

作 者: 江华圣 主编
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
丛编项: 世纪英才高等职业教育课改系列规划教材
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787115223579 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 227 字数:  






Module A Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics 
 Unit 1 What Is a Web Digital Camera 
 Unit 2 USB Flash Drive 
 Unit 3 Keyboard 
 Unit 4 Using a Mouse 
 Unit 5 How To Use a Tester 
 Unit 6 Fundamentals of Electricity 
 Unit 7 Circuit Elements 
 Unit 8 Transmission Lines 
 Unit 9 Electromagnetic Radiation 
 Unit 10 Electrical Measurements 
 Unit 11 Antennas 
 Unit 12 Digital Communications 
 Unit 13 Semiconductors 
 Unit 14 Analog Communications 
 Unit 15 Amplifiers 
 Unit 16 Optical Communications 
Module B Reading Skill 
 Unit 17 Science Story 
 Unit 18 Electric Engineering Technology 
 Unit 19 Software Installing and Operation 
Module C Writing Skill 
 Unit 20 Text Format of Career English 
 Unit 21 Introduction of Sentence Patterns 
 Unit 22 Application Examples 
Module D Interpretation of Carrier English 
 Unit 23 Introduction for Interpretation of Career English 
 Unit 24 Interpretation of Specialty Courses 
 Unit 25 Interpretation of Verbs 
 Unit 26 Expressions of Passive Voice 
 Unit 27 Translating Methods 
 Unit 28 Expressions of Numbers and Quantity 
Appendix Translations and Key to The Exercises 
第一部分 模块A参考译文与练习参考答案 
第二部分 模块B参考译文
