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作 者: 白巧灵,张平川,娄琳 著
出版社: 西北工业大学出版社
丛编项: 机电工程系列
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787561225851 出版时间: 2009-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 235 字数:  






Part 1 Mechantronics and Numeric Control
Unit 1 Original equipment manufacturer
1. Whats OEM
2. Some usage in specific commercial contexts
3. Related terms
New words and representations
Unit 2 Lathe
1. History
2. Description
3. Major categories of lathes
New words and representations
Unit 3 Mechanical components
1. Gear
2. Spring
3. Axle
4. Bearing
5. Belt
6. Roller chain
7. Rack and pinion
8. Fastener
New words and representations
Unit 4 Numerical control
1. History
2. Description
3. Tools with CNC variants
New words and representations
Unit 5 Automobile
New words and representations
Unit 6 Piston
New words and representations
Unit 7 LabVIEW
New words and representations
Unit 8 Air conditioning
New words and representations
Unit 9 Articulated robot
1. Concept of articulated robot
2. Definitions of performance
3. Robot program
New words and representations
Unit 10 Microelectromechanical systems
1. The concept of MEMS
2. Microelectromechanical systems description
3. Microelectromechanical systems processes
4. Silicon microelectromechanical systems paradigms
New words and representations
Unit 11 Electrical discharge machining
New words and representations
Unit 12 Cutting tool (machining)
New words and representations
Unit 13 Machine tool
1. Overview
2. Examples
New words and representations
Unit 14 Mechatronics
1. Mechatronics
2. Application of mechatronics
New words and representations
Unit 15 Servomechanism
New words and representations
Unit 16 Metalworking
New words and representations
Unit 17 Gear nomenclature
1. General nomenclature
2. Tooth contact nomenclature
3. Backlash
4. Shifting of gears
New words and representations
Unit 18 Electronic flight instrument system
I. Overview
2. Display units
3. Control panels
4. Data processors
5. Monitoring
6. Human factors
7. Advantages
8. Advances in EFIS
New words and representations
Unit 19 Machine vision
New words and representations
Unit 20 Smart camera
New words and representations
Unit 21 World Wide Web
New words and representations
Unit 22 Operational amplifier
1. Circuit notation
2. Ideal op-amp
3. Applications
4. DC imperfections
New words and representations
Unit 23 Calculator
New words and representations
Unit 24 Variable-frequency drive
1. Operating principle
2. Example
3. VFD types
4. VFD system description
5. PWM AC variable speed drive
New words and representations
Unit 25 PID controller
New words and representations
Unit 26 Serial communication bus
1. RS- 232
2. EIA - 485
3. Universal serial bus
New words and representations
Unit 27 Programmable logic controller( PLC)
New words and representations
Unit 28 Pulse-width modulation
1. Principle
2. Types
3. Spectrum
4. Applications
New words and representations
Unit 29 Intel 8051
New words and representations
Part 2 Electronics and Automation
Unit 30 Resistors and inductors
1. Resistor
2. Inductor
New words and representations
Unit 31 Capacitor
1. Energy storage
2. Current-voltage relation
3. DC circuits
4. AC circuits
5. Parallel plate model
6. Networks
7. Non-ideal behaviour
8. Breakdown voltage
New words and representations
Unit 32 Controller area network
New words and representations
Unit 33 Mobile phone
1. History
2. Handsets
3. Related non-mobile-phone systems
New words and representations
Unit 34 Computer
New words and representations
Unit 35 Embedded system
New words and representations
Appendix 英文简历中的常用词汇
Appendix 2专业词汇
Appendix 3专业英语语法
