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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术传记领袖/政治人物中国风格:吴建民的大使天涯CHINESE STYLE(英文版)

中国风格:吴建民的大使天涯CHINESE STYLE(英文版)

中国风格:吴建民的大使天涯CHINESE STYLE(英文版)

定 价:¥158.00

作 者: 王凡 著,王国振 译
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 中国政治人物


ISBN: 9787119059921 出版时间: 2010-05-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 414 字数:  


  After simply reading its table of contents, I was fairly positive that Chinese Style:The Diplomatic Career of Wu Jianrnin would be a great success. Now, having actually read the text, I realize my first Opinion was most definitely correct.Wu is only one year older than me, which puts us in the same age bracket. Before reading the book, I knew his personal diplomaticexperiences from the newspaper reports. As the book contains many things which were not covered in the newspapers, I find the book nformative and interesting. I am therefore certain that readers will gain a better understanding of Wu's diplomatic career.




1 Striking a Brilliant Pose in France
2 Cultural Diplomacy
3 Honor Belongs to the Motherland
4 The "Small Potato" Entered Mainstream Diplomacy
5 Watch Big Shots and Do "Small" Jobs
6 The "People Keep Coming Back" to the United Nations
7 Experiencing the Lows of Diplomacy
8 The Tenth Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
9 Face the World as a Spokespers0n
10 Wu Jianmin's Style
11 Getting in Touch with the Main Stream of the Society in the Country of Residence
12 A Forceful Role at Human Rights Conference
13 Attaining Maturity
