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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术书法/篆刻草书自学教程(汉英)



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 黄全信 编著
出版社: 华语教学出版社
丛编项: 中国书法自学丛书
标 签: 教程


ISBN: 9787800524547 出版时间: 1997-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 152 字数:  






Chapter I Grass Script
1. Origin and Development
2. Zhang Grass Script
3. Jin Grass Script
4. Kuang Gxass Script
Chapter II Techniques of Writing
1. Sitting Position
2. Standing Position
3. Holding the Brush
4. Movement of the Brush
Chapter III Strokes
1. Basic Strokes
2. Complete Strokes
3. The Changes of Strokes
4. Order of Strokes
Chapter IV Radical
1. Character's Head
2. Character's Bottom
3. Left Component
4. Right Component
5. Character's Frame
6. Similar Components
Chapter V Structure
1. Structural Form
2. The Law of the Structure
3. Characteristics of the Structure
4. Changes in the Structure
Chapter VI Tracing and Copying
1. Four-square Frame
2. Diagonal-marked Frame
3. Nine-square Frame
4. Two-square Frame
Chapter VII The Art of Composition
1. Various Forms of Scrolls
2. Text
3. Inscriptions
4. Seals
Chapter VIII Creation
1. Making a Plan Before Writing
2. The First Character Leads the Whole Text
3. A Coherent Whole
4. A Poetic Composition
Chapter IX Appreciation
