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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 张华慧 著
出版社: 大连理工大学出版社
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787561155899 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 409 字数:  






Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations 建立商务往来 (商海觅友)
 Investigate the new customer’s credit standing from the bank 向银行查询新客户的资信情况
 Inquiring the new customer’s credit standing from the customers向客户查询新客户的资信情况
 Favorable letter of credit standing 资信调查有利回复
 Unfavorable letter of credit standing 资信调查不利回函
 Promoting your company seeking potential business opportunities 毛遂自荐,寻求商机
 Exporter’s proposal to start business 出口商建议建立业务往来
 Importer’s proposal to establish business relations 进口商建议开展业务往来
 Being willing to establish business relations 乐意建立商贸关系
 Declining other companies’ cooperative intention 婉言拒绝
 Applying for being the exclusive agent 申请任命为独家代理商
 Developing an agent 发展一个代理商
 Declining an application for agency 婉拒代理请求
 Attracting investment 招商投资
 Resuming Business Relations 恢复商贸关系
 Promoting products to potential customers 向潜在客户推销产品
 Requiring Trial Sales 要求试销
Unit 2 Enquiry询问 (投石探路)
 Requesting quotation, catalogue and samples from the seller 向卖方索要报价单、目录和样品
 Requiring quotation, catalogue and samples from the agent 向代理商索要报价单、目录和样品
 Sending catalogue and samples 寄送目录和样品
 Replying the inquiry with quantity discount回复询盘,量大优惠
 Replying the inquiry and informing the buyer of the product being out of stock 回复询盘告知无货
Unit 3 Offer and Counter-offer报价和还盘 (讨价还价)
 Seller’s offer卖方发盘
 Seller’s offer for best seller卖方给畅销品报价
 Seller’s offer to sell off the stock 出清存货特别报价
 A non-firm offer 虚盘
 Requesting discount 请求折扣
 Conditionally accepting the counter offer 有条件地接受还盘
 Declining the counter offer 拒绝还盘
 A firm offer 实盘
 Accepting the offer 接受报价
Unit 4 Ordering订购 (一“单”定音)
 Pressing for the Order 催促下订单
 Trial order 试定单
 Revising the order 修改订单
 Request for the confirmation of the order 要求确认订单
 Accepting the order 接受订单
 Declining the order拒绝订单
 Placing a repeat order 续订订单
 Canceling the order 取消订单
Unit 5 Packing 包装
 Discussing the way of packing 讨论包装方式
 Requirement on packing 包装要求
 Requirement on shipment mark 唛头要求
 Avoiding damage caused by improper packing 避免包装不当造成的损失
 Product packaging 商品包装
 Shipment packing 运输包装
 Inspecting packing 检验包装
Unit 6 Delivery 运输
 Application letter of shipment 装运申请书
 Means of shipment 运输方法
 Use of Logistics Cluster transport services运用物流服务运输
 Shipment Schedule Acknowledgement of Purchase Order确认定单的发货日期
 Notification of ready shipment and delivery 通知装运发货
 Exporter’s advice of the delay of shipment 出口商通知装运延期
 Notification of product arrival 通知货物运达
 Apology for shipment delay因延误装运而道歉
 Canceling the order owing to the delay of shipment 因延迟装运而取消订单
Unit 7 Business Contract and Agreements 商业合同和协议
 Letter of intent 意向书
 Negotiating the terms of the contract 协商合同方案
 Drafting a contract 草拟合同
 Requiring to revise contract 要求修改合同
 Confirming the terms of the contract 确认合同条件
 Accepting the terms of the contract 接受合同条件
 Canceling the contract 解除合同
Unit 8 Insurance 保险
 Asking for insurance 要求保险
 Replying to a request for insurance 答复保险要求
 Introducing coverage 介绍承保范围
 Negotiating who is to cover the insurance 商讨何方投保
 Asking the shipment to be insured at the seller’s end 要求卖方代办投保
 Asking for Additional risks 要求附加险
 Replying to a request for excessive insurance 对额外保险的答复
 Insurance claim 保险索赔
Unit 9 Payment付款 ( 结账埋单)
 Mode of payment 支付方式
 Changing the payment method 更改付款方法
 Agreeing to change the payment method 同意更改付款方法
 Declining to change the payment method 拒绝更改付款方法
 Pressing for L/C 催开信用证
 Notification of opening of L/C 通知已开立信用证
 Amending and expanding L/C 信用证修订和延期
 Declining the Request for the Delay in Payment 拒绝延期付款
 Declining the request for the extension to the L/C 拒绝信用证延期的请求
 Apology for the delay in payment 逾期付款致歉
 Notification of check enclosed通知已付款
 Notification of the arrival of check credited to the account通知收到汇款
Unit 10 Claim and Settlement 索赔及解决方案(和气生财)
 Complaint for poor quality 投诉货物质量
 Complaint for shortage 投诉货物数量不足
 Complaint for delivery delay 投诉延误交货日期
 Complaint for poor packaging 投诉包装不佳
 Complaint for mistaken product 投诉货物有误
 Being willing to investigate 表示乐意调查
 Apology for poor quality 为货物质量低劣致歉
 Apology for short weight 为短重致歉
 Apology for delivery delay 为延误交货日期致歉
 Apology for poor packaging 为包装不良致歉
 Apology for wrong shipment 为送错货物致歉
 Shouldering the responsibility for claim and payment for loss 承担责任,赔偿损失
 Turning down claims 驳回投诉
Unit 11 Business Meetings and Trade Fair 商务会议和商展
 Meeting Notice 会议通知
 Agenda for the Annual Meeting 年度大会议事日程
 Invitation to a Trade Fair 参加商展的邀请函
 Accepting an Invitation to a Trade Fair 接受参加交易会的邀请
 Declining an Invitation 谢绝邀请
Unit 12 Office Work
  Fax & E-mails E时代
 Notice for greeting new comers 欢迎新员工通知
 Holiday notice 放假通知
 Practice notice 开业通知
 Request for a favor 求助信
 Receipt 收条
 Message 留言
 Note for leave 请假条
 Notice of transfer调动通知
Unit 13 Business Etiquette Documents 商务礼仪文书
 Congratulation letters 祝贺信
 Congratulations on Practice 祝贺开业
 Congratulations on promotion 祝贺晋升
 Letters of Acknowledgement致谢信
 Replying to the letter of Thank-you 回复感谢信
 Condolence letters 慰问信
 Invitatory letter 邀请信
 Accepting the invitation 接受邀请
 Declining the invitation 拒绝邀请
Unit 14 Business Social Correspondence 商务社交函
 Making Appointment 预约
 Canceling the appointment 取消预约
 Reserving room 预定饭店
 Booking flight tickets 预定机票
 Changing the reservation 更改预约
 Confirming the reservation 确定预约
Unit 15 Recruitment and Job Application 招聘及录用
 CV 求职简历
 Application letter 求职信
 Self-Recommendation letter 自荐信
 Recommendation Letter 推荐信 (伯乐与千里马)
 Dismiss letter 解聘信
 Letter of resignation 辞职信
 Job Offer 录用函
 Notice of declined job application 通知未录用
 Appendix I. 常用商务英语缩略语
 Appendix II. 产品原产地证书样本
 Appendix III. 出口许可证样本
 Appendix IV. 装货通知单
 Appendix V. 装箱单
 Appendix VI. 保险单
 Appendix VII. 汇票
 Appendix VIII. 信用证
 Appendix IX. 商业发票
 Appendix X. 提货单
