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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新编计算机英语教程



定 价:¥34.00

作 者: 李心广 等编著
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787115229830 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 296 字数:  


  《新编计算机英语教程》是按照最新《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语的要求,参考借鉴国际先进教学理念,尤其是美国计算机协会(Association for Computing Machinery,ACM)推荐的课程体系和内容,面向国际化信息技术人才培养的要求编写的教材。在满足计算机专业英语教学的同时,《新编计算机英语教程》通过信息技术外包(ITO)的原理和案例介绍的选材内容,体现了计算机专业英语教学体系的改革新进展。本教材适合作为计算机科学与技术、软件工程、网络工程、电子商务、信息管理与信息系统等专业的“计算机专业英语”课程教材,尤其适合计算机(服务外包领域)专业的学生使用,也可供相关工程人员学习计算机专业英语参考。




Chapter I Information Technology
and IT Outsourcing Human
Resources Pool
Section A Information Technology
I. Information Systems
2. Hardware
Types of Computers
Hardware of Microcomputers
3. Software
4. The lntemet and Its Applications
5. Notes
6. Exercises
Section B ITO Human Resources Pool
1. Terms About ITO
2. Chinas IT Outsourcing Industry
International Conference of Outsourcing
ITO Events in Various Areas of China
3. Key Drivers and Challenges
4. An Overview of Global Fro Market.
5. Notes
6. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
Chinas Soflware Outsourcing Indusr in Comparison with Indias
3. Computer Words and Expressions I
Chapter 2 The System Unit
Section A
1. The System Unit
2. Electronic Data and Instructions
Analog and Digital Signals
Representing Text
3. The System Board
4. Microprocessors
Control Units
Arithmetic-logic Units
Microprocessor Chips
Specialty Processors
5. Memory
6. System Clocks
7. Notes
8. Exercises
Section B
1. Expansion Slots and Cards
Graphics Cards
Sound Cards
Network Interface Cards
TV Tuner Cards
Plug and Play
PC Cards
2. Bus Lines
Bus Width
Expansion Buses
3. Ports
Standard Ports
Serial Ports
Parallel Ports
Universal Serial Bus (USB) Ports
FireWire Ports
Specialized Ports
4. Power Supply
Power Supply Units of Desktops
AC Adapters of Laptops
5. Notes
6. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
Ⅰ. Intel Pentium Ⅲ Processor Serial Number
Ⅱ. Chinas IT Outsourcing: A
Two-Minute Guide to Finding Your Partner
3. Computer Words and Expressions Ⅱ
Chapter 3 Input and Output
Section A Input and Input Devices
1. What Are Input and Output?
2. Input Devices
Pointing Devices
Scanning Devices
Audio-input Devices
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section B Output Devices and
Combination Devices
1. Output Devices
Audio-output Devices
2. Combination Input and Output
Touch Screens
Fax Machines
Mnitifunctional Devices (MFD)
Intemet Telephones
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section C Review &. Reading
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
Brain-computer Interface
3. Crammar
Chapter 4 Storage
SectionA Primary Storage
l. What Is Primary Storage?
2. Primary Storage Devices
CMOS battery
Processor Registers
Processor Caches
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section B Secondary Storage
I. What ls Secondary Storage?
2. Secondary Storage Devices
Hard Disk Drives
Floppy Disks
Optical Discs
Flash Memory
Other Storage Devices
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
I. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
Ⅰ Storage Systems
Ⅱ. Connected Learning
Chapter 5 Operating Systems
Section A Operating Systems
1. The History of Operating Systems
Terms About OS
Interactive Processing and Real-time Processing
OS in Nowadays
2. Operating System Architecture
A Software Survey
Components of an Operating System
Getting It Started
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section B System Security
1. Attacks from the Outside
2. Attacks from Within
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
I. Linux
II. BPO-Busineas Process
3. Gtammar
Chapter 6 Application Software——Databases & Multimedia
Section A Databases
1. About Databases and DBMS
2. Features
3. Database Models
4. Applications of Databases
5. Database Design
6. Database Development Platforms
7. Notes
8. Exercises
Section B Multimedia
l. Introduction
2.The Elements of Mttltimedia
Still Images and Graphics
Animation and Video
3. Interactive Multimedia Applications
4. Multimedia Development Software
5. Notes
6. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
Ⅰ. User Interaction with a Database Program
Ⅱ. Motion Capture Sottware:Cortex
3. Animation Production Videos: Live-to Air Brcadeast
4. Grammar
Chapter 7 Communication and the Internet Introduction
Section A The Interact
1. What Is the Interact
2. Web Basics
3. Aeeassing the lnternet
4. Network-related Jobs
5. Notes
6. Exercises
Section B Interact Applications
1. Communication
2. Web Search Engines
3. Electronic Commerce
4. File Transfer
5. Netiquette
6. Security
7. Notes
8. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
Ⅰ. Firewall
Ⅱ. Wireless Security
3. Reading and Writing
4. Grammar
Chapter 8 Computer Networks
Section A Network Software
1. Exemplary Networks
2. Protocol Hierarchies
3. Types of Networks
4. Notes
5. Exercises
Section B Network Hardware
1. Introduction
2. Physical Communication
3. Basic Hardware Components
4. Notes
5. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
Father of Fiber-Optics Wins
Nobel Prize
3. Grammar
Chapter 9 Data Structures
Section A Data Structures
1. Data Structure Fundamentals
Basic Data Structures
2. Implementing Data Structures
Storing Arrays
Homogeneous Arrays
Heterogeneous Arrays
Storing Lists
Storing Stacks and Queues
Storing Binary Trees
Manipulating Data Structures
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section B Customized Data Types
1. Customized Data Types
User-Defined Data Types
Abstract Data Types
2. Classes and Objects
3. Notes
4. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
1. Review
2. Supplementary Reading
I. A Problem with Pointers
II. "Apparel Industry Amid GlobalMeltdown——-Outsoureing IntelligenceReport".
3. Translation Issues in IT Fields I
Chapter 10 Programming and
Programming Languages
Section A Programming
1. Programming Paradigms
The Imperative Paradigm
The Declarative Paradigm
2. Functional Programming
3. Object-oriented Programming
Message Passing
4. Algorithms
5. Instruction Sets
6. Notes
7. Exercises
Section B Programming Languages
1. About Programming Languages
2. Low-level Programming
The Machine Language
The Assembly Language
3. High-level Programming
C Programming Language
4. Compiled Languages and Interpreted
Compiled Languages
Interpreted Languages
5. Markup Languages and Scripting
6. Notes
7. Exercises
Section C Review & Reading
1. Supplementary Reading
I. Objecot-oriented Programming.
II. Chinas Soft:ware and Service
Outsourcing Industry Presents New Features
2. Translation Issues in IT Fields II
Appendix An Overview of Outsourdng
1. Brief History of Outsourcing
Initial Stages of Evolution
Strategic Partnerships
2. What is Outsourcing?
Why Do CompaniesOutsouree?
How to Decide Whether to Outsouree?
ITO. BPO. KPO——-Whats the Difference?
What about Bundling?
What Is an SLA?
What Do I Need to Know About the Transition Period?
Main Factors Influencing Successful Outsourcing
How Important Is Ongoing Relationship Management to Outsouroing Success?
3. Outsourcing Process
Program Initiation
Service Implementation
Final Agreement
Program Closure
4. How Is Outsourcing Priced?
What are the "Hidden Costs" of Outsoureing?
5. Why Is Outsourcing So Hard?
How Do I Decide What Vendor or Vendors to Work with?
Do You Have Any Tips for Negotiations?
Wheres the Best Place in the World to Ontsouree IT?.
What if Outsourcing Doesnt Work Out? Can I Just Bring the Work Back In?
