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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语网络教程(专科预备)



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 陆伟忠 主编
出版社: 华东理工大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787562827719 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 166 字数:  


  网络教育模式是一种以多媒体技术为主要手段,通过网络进行跨越时间和空间、实时或非实时的交互式教学。 本教材在编写过程中融人了网络教育主讲教师多年的经验,在借鉴以往大学英语教材优良传统的同时,也充分考虑到网络教育学生的基础和特点。教材中选取的素材贴近网络教育学生的生活和工作,并力求兼顾时尚性和趣味性。




Unit 1 Education
Part 1 Lead-in
I. Background Information
II. Warm-up Questions
Part 2 Text A
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Education Does Count
III. Exercises
Part 3 Text B
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text A Good Experience
III. Exercises
Part 4 Grammar
Unit 2 Friendship
Part 1 Lead-in
I. Background Information
II. Warm-up Questions
Part 2 Text A
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text How to Mend a Broken Friendship
III. Exercises
Part 3 Text B
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Friends Forever
III. Exercises
Part 4 Granunar
Unit 3 Health
Part 1 Lead-in
I. Background Information
II. Warm-up Questions
Part 2 Text A
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Why I Run
-III. Exercises
Part 3 Text B
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
III. Exercises
Part 4 Grammar
Unit 4 Reading and Writing
Part 1 Lead-in
I. Background Information
II. Warm-up Questions
Part 2 Text A
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text What Is a Great Book?
III. Exercises
Part 3 Text B
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Writing: a Kind of Passion
III. Exercises
Part 4 Grammar
Unit 5 Affection
Part 1 Lead-in
I. Background Information
II. Warm-up Questions
Part 2 Text A
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text The Missed Blessings
III. Exercises
Part 3 Text B
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text The Apple Tree
III. Exercises
Part 4 Grammar
Unit 6 Philosophy of Life
Part 1 Lead-in
I. Background Information
II. Warm-up Questions
Part 2 Text A
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Emotions Are Human
III. Exercises
Part 3 Text B
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text The 50-Percent Theory of Life
III. Exercises
Part 4 Grammar
Unit 7 People
Part 1 Lead-in
I. Background Information
II. Warm-up Questions
Part 2 Text A
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse
III. Exercises
Part 3 Text B
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Jonathan James
III. Exercises
Part 4 Grammar
Unit 8 Social Roles
Part 1 Lead-in
I. Background Information
II. Warm-up Questions
Part 2 Text A
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Everyone Is Special
III. Exercises
Part 3 Text B
I. New Words and Expressions
II. Text Are Women as Good as Men?
III. Exercises
Part 4 Grammar
