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皇帝、新娘与龙袍(The Emperor,His Bride and the Dragon Robe 英文版)

皇帝、新娘与龙袍(The Emperor,His Bride and the Dragon Robe 英文版)

定 价:¥88.00

作 者: (特多)桑丽莎,朱伟 著
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 老外


ISBN: 9787508518374 出版时间: 2010-06-01 包装: 精装
开本: 8开 页数: 52 字数:  


  Lisa Sankar-Zhu is from Trinidad and Tobago. She came to China to study Chinese Language. Because of her diligence and long stay inChina, she speaks fluent Chinese and understands quite a lot about China.


  Lisa Sankar-Zhu is from Trinidad and Tobago, in the Caribbean. In 1996, she came to China to study Chinese Language and Culture. In 2000, she married and settled in China. Having liw, d in China for 14 years, she has come to know China in an intimate way she never imagined she ever would. She credits her penning The Emperor, His Bride and The Dragon Robe to the love China has shown her, and to her "two wonderful sons ravenous appetite for bedtime srories they demanded I make up for them"Over the years FengGe has worked with several organizations creating illustrations that have been widely praised for their crea! vity and original style. Currently, he works at the West China University Academy of Fine Arts where he teaches art education and drawing. He is also in charge of the Institutes art studio, which produces original illustrative works of art and animation.


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