Charpter 1 Necessity to Develop SWH Industry
1.1 China's traditional energy resources
1.2 Abundant solar energy resources in China
1.3 Category of solar energy resource in China
Charpter 2 The Statusquo of China's SWH Industry
2.1 Industry scale and structure
2.2 Industrial system
2.3 Product type distribution and production capacity
2.4 Geographical distribution of SWH enterprises
2.5 Geographic distribution of the market
2.6 Integrating solar energy with building construction
2.7 Necessity of establishing standards, tests and certification system for SWHs
Charpter 3 SWH Standardization in China
3.1 Standardization conspectus
3.2 Management of standard
3.3 Background and process of the development of China national standards and
3.4 industrial standards on SWHs
3.5 Active role of standardization
3.6 National and industrial standards on SWHs
3.7 Comparison between the international standards and domestic standards on
3.8 solar thermal utilization
Charpter 4 SWH Testing Ccapacity in China
4.1 Development .progress of testing
4.2 China's authorized testing centers of SWHs
4.3 Major testing equipments
Charpter 5 product certification for SWHs
5.1 Development history and actuality of internationaI quality certification
5.2 Dertification and accreditation system in China
5.3 Product certification for SWH in China
5.4 Significance of product certification for SWH, industry
Charpter 6 SWH Standard,Testing and Certification in Europe
6.1 European standard
6.2 Comparison between ISO and CEN standards
6.3 Europe qualification test of SWH
6.4 Europe product certification for SWHs
Appendix 1 GB/T 6424 Flat Plate Solar Collector (Document forapproval)
Appendix 2 GB/T 4271 Test Methods for the Thermal Performance of Solar Collectors (Documents for approval)
Appendix 3 GB/T 17581 Evacuated Tube Solar Collector (Documents for approval)
Appendix 4 GB/T 18708 Test Methods for Thermal Performance of DomesticSolar Water Heating Systems (Documents for approval)
Appendix 5 GB/T 19141 Specification of Domestic Solar Water
Appendix 6 GB/T 18713 Solar Water Heating Systems--Design,nstallation And neering Acceptance
Appendix 7 The First Summary of the Round Robin TeSt
Appendix 8 Implementation Rules for SWH Certification DomesticSolar Water Heating System
Appendix 9 Implementation Rules for SWH Certification All-glassEvacuated Solar tor Tubes
Appendix 10 Implementation Rules for SWH Certification Solar Collector
Appendix 11 Certification Application Guideline
Appendix 12 Acronyms