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定 价:¥23.00

作 者: 郭维森 著,(澳)杨国生,(澳)爱博 译
出版社: 南京大学出版社
标 签: 历史人物


ISBN: 9787305072949 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 153 字数:  


  The Collection of Critical Biographies of Chinese Thinkers, under the general editorship of the late honorary president of Nanjing University, Professor Kuang Yaming, is the largest-scale project of research materials on Chinese thinkers undertaken since the beginning of the twentieth century. Standing on the shoulders of this great man and other 200 well-known Chinese professors, this collection of concise Chinese-English version is not only based on a profound academic foundation, but also exhibits a brand new feature which is the virtue of explaining the profound in a simple way, hence leading readers to mastery of the contents; it also incorporates a refined principle of selection, a simple mode of evaluation and commentary, and a moving narration of the stories and their wisdom.Sima Qian, the Prefect of the Grand Scribes of the Han Dynasty, is regarded as the father of Chinese historiography because of his highly praised work:Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji), a general history of China covering more than three thousand years from the Yellow Emperor to Emperor Wu of the Han. His definitive work laid the foundation for later Chinese historiography.




一 故乡,童年
二 二十漫游
三 由郎中到太史令
四 李陵之祸
五 刑余的史臣
六 史家之绝唱
七 无韵之《离骚》
八 光照千古
