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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语老外学汉语中国少数民族建筑(英文版)



定 价:¥88.00

作 者: 王晓莉 著,王国振 等译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 老外


ISBN: 9787508511689 出版时间: 2007-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 127 字数:  


  Ethnic architecture is mainly influenced by such factors as climate, environment,folk-customs, culture and history. Such architecture in China reflects the time period, the characferistics of the ethnic group, local and regional conditions as well as beliefs about life, all in combination with the natural environment. The structures are not only places for people to live, but also places for them to hold cultural activities. The architecture reflects the social concepts and aesthetic notions of the ethnic groups and due to its attention to ethic and conformity to rites and music it also expresses the national culture.




Chapter Ⅰ
 General Survey of Architecture of Chinese Ethnic Minority GroupsA
 Ⅰ. Architecture and Construction of Ethnic Minorities
 Ⅱ. Eco-environment and Constructions of Ethnic Minorities
 Ⅲ. Folk Culture and Architecture of Ethnic Minorities
Chapter Ⅱ
 Dwelling Styles of Ethnic Minorities
 Ⅰ. Courtyard Style Dwelling
 Ⅱ. Tuzhangfang and Stone Construction
 Ⅲ. The Yurt-Style House
 Ⅳ. Fence-style Dwelling
 V. Large House/73
Chapter Ⅲ
 Religious Architecture pt Chinese Ethnic Minormos
 Ⅰ. Islamic Architecture
 Ⅱ. Buddhist Architecture
 III. Architecture of Ancestral Temples
Chapter Ⅳ
 Public Architectures of Ethnic Minority Groups
 Ⅰ. Drum Building and Roofed Bridge of the Dong Ethnic Group
 Ⅱ. Overhead Cable and Rattan Bridge
 Ⅲ. Public House Bower Well House Stage
Chapter Ⅴ
 Blending of Architectural Art of Each Ethnic Group
