ChaPter Ⅰ
General Survey of the Development of the Education
for Ethnic Minorities/5
Ⅰ. Education for Ethnic Minorities Historically,
Ⅲ. Emergence and Development of Modern Edu-cation for Ethnic MinoritiesJ
Ⅲ. Education for Ethnic Minorities after the Found-ing of the People's Republic of China
Chapter Ⅱ
The System and Policy of the People's Republic of
China for Education for Ethnic Minorities/19
Ⅰ. Administrative Organs of Education for Ethnic Minorities
Ⅱ. Special Policies on Education for Ethnic Minori-ties
Chapter Ⅲ
Educational SYstem and Style of Schools for Ethnic Hi-norltles of the People's Republic of China
I. Educational System
Ⅱ. Special Styles in Setting up a School
Chapter Ⅳ
Bilingual Education of Chinese Ethnic Minority Groups
Ⅰ. History of Bilingual Education
Ⅱ. \Bilingual\ Teaching Fever,
Ⅲ. Textbooks in Ethnic Minority Language and Teaching of Spoken Language
Chapter Ⅴ
China's Minority Teacher Cohort Building
Ⅰ. Run Normal Education, Cultivate Minority Teachers
Ⅱ. Strengthening Teacher Training, Improving Minority Teacher
Chapter Ⅵ
China's Distance Education for Ethnic Minoritiesl
Ⅰ. General Survey of China's Distance Education Develop-ment Course
Ⅱ. General Survey of China's Distance Education for Ethnic Minorities