Classical poems are an integral part ofChinese culture. Thepoems have beenmemorized, savoured and handed downfrom onegeneration to the next. Famouslines are quoted frequently in bothdaily lifeconversations and official speeches.Shi and Ci, though both classical Chinesepoems, are different inmany ways. Thinvolnmo fon Ci. Some of the mostwel-known Ci poems,mostly from the SongDynasty (960-1279), are psented inthisbook.The unique bilingual format captures thecadence and the spirit ofeach poem. Thehanyu pinyin to all Chinese charactersmakes itpossible for people who cannotread Chinese language can alsoappreciatethe poems. The author explains the poemsin such a waythat you will find readingclassical Chinese poems can be easyandfun. Enjoy the book!