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定 价:¥60.00

作 者: 夏和文 著
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 老外


ISBN: 9787119053479 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 238 字数:  


  Culture changes along with the development of the economy, as do the words and expressions used daily in the media and people's daily life. Every year, every month, and even every day, there are new words and phrases invented and used in China. To better understand modern China in its different spheres, one needs to be familiarized with these new words and phrases to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. This book, with a collection of over 200 such key words and phrases currently in use, may serve as a handbook for anyone who is interested in China's current affairs, as groundwork for reading the media or communicating with people.




Supply of Public Goods and a Harmonious Society
Rural Developmcnt and a Harmonious Society
The Dcvelopment of Social Organizations and a Harmonious Society
Government Transformation and Construction of a Hamonious Society
The Process of Marketability and a Harmonious
China's Public Finance
Public Crisis Management in China
China's Social Security Svstcm
Published by
Foren Languages Press
Reform and Opening-up
People's Congress System
System of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation
Peace and Development
The Three Represents
Scientific Outlook on Development
Putting People First
Harmonious Society
Eight Honors and Eight Dishonors
One Country, Two Systems
1992 Consensus
"Three Direct Links" across the Taiwan Straits
Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
Boao Forum for Asia
China's Top 10 Outstanding Young People
Touching China
Public Information Officer
Three Awarenesses
Sustainable Development
Well-off Society
The Three-step Development Strategy
Two "Centenaries"
"Five Balances"
Economic Census
Energy-Efficient Society
Recycling Economy
Green GDP
The 1 lth Five-Year Plan
Development of Western China
Rejuvenation of Northeast China
Rise of Central China
Yangtze River Delta
Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta
Pan-Yangtze River Delta
Pan-Zhujiang River Delta
Diverse Forms of Ownership Existing Side by Side
Made in China
Utilizing Foreign Investment
The Three Gorges Project
West-to-East Natural Gas Transmission Project
South-to-North Water Diversion Project
West-to-East Electricity Transmission Project
West-to-East Coal Transportation Project
"Eight Vertical Lines and Eight Horizontal Lines"
Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway
Qinghal-Tibet Railway
Four Largest Banks
Reform of the RMB Exchange Rate Mechanism
Three Golden Projects
Golden Security Project
China Unicom
China Mobile
Charm City
China's Top 100 Cities in terms of Comprehensive
Digital City
Canton Fair
Real Estate Rights Law
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region
Agriculture, Rural Areas and Faiers
Issue of Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers
Agricultural Census
Modern Agriculture
Rescinding the Agricultural Tax
Agricultural Part-time Workers
New Socialist Countryside
New-type Farmer
Increasing Rural Income
Out-of-Poverty Campaign
"Broadcast to Every Village" Program
Rural Film Projection Program
New Rural Cooperative Medical System
Barefoot Doctors
College-Graduate Village Officials
Township Enterprises
Give More, Take Less and Liven Up
Revitalizing the Country Through Science and Education
Essential-Quality-Oriented Education
Two Basic Goals for Education
Carrying out the Two Basic Goals for Education
Two Exemptions and One Allowance
Choosing Schools
Temporary Teachers
Project Hope
Project 211
Project 985
Enlargement of Recruitment of Higher Education "
State Student Loan Policy
UEE Economy
UEE Migrants
"Go West" Graduate Volunteer Program
Employment of College Graduates
Project for Realizing the College Dream
Science and Technology
Innovative Country
Innovative Enterprises
Shenzhou-V Spacecraft
Shenzhou-VI Spacecraft
Shenzhou-VII Spacecraft
The Lunar Exploration Project
National Science and Technology Awards
National Key Science and Technology Project
The National 863 Program
The 973 Program
The Torch Program
The Spark Program
Project 748
Program 2049
Environmental Protection
Tourism and Holidays
Sports and Olympic Games
