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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语传媒英语热点阅读(第一册)



定 价:¥21.00

作 者: 林俊伟 等主编
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787564123598 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 177 字数:  






Unit One Arts and Culture
 Section A With“Avatar,”James Cameron Is Once Again King of the World
 Section B 40 Million British Newspaper Pages to Go Digital
 Section C World Cup Opera Singer Siphiwo Ntshebe Dies
Unit Two Entertainmen and Trends
 Section A Hit Comedy 3 Idiots Sweeps Bollywood Awards
 Section B Gaga Reveals She Would Have Opened for Michael Jackson
 Section C Bullock Wins Best Actress Oscar for“Blind Side”
Unit Three Environment
 Section A New Oil Plume Evidence Uncovered
 Section B More Parties to UN Climate Change Body Commit to Limit Emissions
 Section C Ash from Volcano in Iceland Falls on Britain, Prompting Health Warning
Unit Four Sports
 Section A Zuma: World Cup Is Uniting South Africa
 Section B Medvedev Calls for Resignations after Russia Flops at Winter Olympics
 Section C World Cup Has 6.2bn Insurance, Says Lloyd's
Unit Five Health
 Section A Dark Chocolate May Be Healthier
 Section B The Best Walking Partner: Man vs. Dog
 Section C “Long-term Harm” of Too Much TV for Toddlers
Unit Six Economy
 Section A Davos 2010: Global Bosses Are Confident Again
 Section B G20 Nations Stress Economic Recovery Challenges
 Section C Price Pressure
Unit Seven Society and Life
 Section A Obamas Pay $ 1.8 Million in Federal Taxes
 Section B China to Frame Its First Immigration Law to Attract Foreigners
 Section C Cupcake Passion More Than a Trend
Unit Eight Politics
 Section A Japan Watches As Another “Hereditary” Prime Minister Waves Goodbye
 Section B Obama Looking for \Whose Ass to Kick
 Section C Cameron Emerges as PM from U. K. Election Muddle
Unit Nine Travel
 Section A Airlines Fill Seats with Holiday, Summer Travelers
 Section B Japanese Beatrix Potter Fans Urged to Pay Extra for Visiting Lake District
 Section C Morning Trail: Escape Route from Hong Kong's Concrete Jungle
Unit Ten Science and Technology
 Section A Smartphones to Get Novel Memory Material
 Section B Budget Airline Unveils Ash Cloud Detector
 Section C For Mission to Mars, a New Road Map
