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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语会计英语教程



定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 何丽梅,李宜 编著
出版社: 电子工业出版社
标 签: 金融英语


ISBN: 9787121110719 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 254 字数:  






Chapter 1 An I ntroduction to Accounting
第1章 会计导论
 1.1 What is Accounting and the Users of Accounting Information(什么是会计及会计信息的使用者)
  1.1.1 What is Accounting(什么是会计)
  1.1.2 Users ofAccounting Information(会计信息的使用者)
 1.2 Integrity ofAccoundng Information(会计信息的诚信度)
  1.2.1 Institutional Features(制度特征)
  1.2.2 Professional Organization(职业组织)
  1.2.3 Competence,Judgment,and Ethical Behavior(胜任能力、职业判断及道德行为)
 1.3 Careers in Accounting(会计职业)
  1.3.1 Public Accounting(公共会计)
  1.3.2 Management Accounting(管理会计)
  1.3.3 Governmental Accounting(政府会计)
  1.3.4 Accounting Education(会计教育)
 Key Terms
 Additional Reading Material
Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework Underlying Financial Accounting
第2章 财务会计概念框架
 2.1 Conceptual Framework(概念框架)
  2.1.1 Needfor aConceptualFramework(概念框架的必要性)
  2.1.2 Development ofthe Framework(概念框架的发展)
 2.2 Objectives ofFinancial Accounting(财务会计的目标)
 2.3 Fundamental Concepts(基本概念)
  2.3.1 Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information(会计信息质量特征)
  2.3.2 Basic Elements ofFinancial Statements(财务报表的基本要素)
 2.4 Recognition and Measurement Concepts(确认和计量概念)
  2.4.1 Assumptions(假设)
  2.4.2 Principles(原则)
  2.4.3 Constrains(限制)
 Key Terms
 Additional Reading Material
Chapter 3 The Accounting Cycle
第3章 会计循环
 3.1 Analyze Transactions and Some Fundamentals(分析交易及一些基本概念)
  3.1.1 Analyze Transactions(分析交易)
  3.1.2 Some Fundamentals(一些基本概念)
 3.2 RecordtheTransactionsin Journals(登记日记账)
 3.3 Post to Ledger Accounts(过至总分类账)
 3.4 PrepareaTrialBalance(编制试算平衡表)
 3.5 Make Adjusting Entries(登记调整分录)
  3.5.1 Accrued Revenues(应计收入)
  3.5.2 AccruedExpenses(应计费用)
  3.5.3 Unearned Revenues[预收账款(未赚取收入)]
  3.5.4 Prepaid Expenses(预付费用)
  3.5.5 Depreciation(折旧)
 3.6 Prepare Financial Statements(编制财务报表)
  3.6.1 Financial Statements(财务报表)
  3.6.2 The Work Sheet(工作底稿)
 3.7 JournalizeandPostClosingEntries(结账)
 3.8 Prepared Closed Trial Balance(结账后试算平衡表的编制)
 Key Terms
 Chapter4 Assets(I)
第4章 资产(I)
 4.1 InternalControl and Cash(内部控制和现金)
  4.1.1 Cash and Cash Controls(现金和现金控制)
  4.1.2 Accounting for Petry Cash(零用现金会计)
  4.1.3 Bank Reconciliation(银行存款余额调节表)
  4.1.4 CreditCardSales(信用卡销售)
 4.2 Receivables(应收账款)
  4.2.1 Evaluating Accounts Receivable(应收账款估计)
  4.2.2 Methods ofEstimating Uncollectible(预计坏账方法)
  4.2.3 Factoring Receivables(应收账款的让售)
  4.2.4 Notes Receivable(应收票据)
 4.3 Inventory(存货)
  4.3.1 Definitions ofInventories(存货的定义)
  4.3.2 InternalControloverInventories(存货的内部控制)
  4.3.3 The Cost ofInventory(存货的成本)
  4.3.4 Inventory Systems:Perpetual or Periodic(存货计价制度:永续盘存制或定期盘存制)
  4.3.5 Cost Flow Methods and Comparisons(成本流转方法及其比较)
  4.3.6 Estimating Inventories(预计存货)
  4.3.7 The Valuation ofMerchandise(存货的期末计价)
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 Additional Reading Material
Chapter 5 Assets(II)
第5章 资产(II)
 5.1 Property,Plant,and Equipment(PPE)(不动产、厂房和设备)
  5.1.1 Acquisition ofProperty,Plant,Equipment(不动产、厂房和设备的取得)
  5.1.2 Costs Subsequent to Acquisition——-Capitalized or Expensed(取得后的成本——资本化还是费用化)
  5.1.3 Depreciation ofPPE(不动产、厂房和设备的折旧)
  5.1.4 Disposition ofDepreciable Assets(折旧资产的处置)
 5.2 Intangible Assets(无形资产)
  5.2.1 Types ofIntangible Assets(无形资产的类型)
  5.2.2 Accounting for the Impairment of Intangible Assets(无形资产减值的会计处理)
  5.2.3 Accounting for Research and Development Costs(R&D)(研发支出的会计处理)
 5.3 Natural Resources(自然资源)
 Key Terms
 Additional Reading Material
Chapter 6 Current Liabilities
第6章 流动负债
 6.1 Conceptual Overview and Characteristics of Liabilities and Current Liabilities(负债及流动负债的概念和特征)
  6.1.1 Conceptual Overview and Characteristics ofLiabilities(负债的概念)
  6.1.2 Characteristics and Types ofCurrent Liabilities(流动负债的特点和类型)
 6.2 Determinable CurrentLiabilities(金额确定的流动负债)
  6.2.1 Accounts Payable Includes Trade Accounts Payable and Other Accounts Payable(应付账款,包括因贸易往来引起的应付款及其他应付款)
  6.2.2(Short.term)Notes Payable[(短期)应付票据]
  6.2.3 Comparison ofthe Two Forms ofNotes Payable(两种应付票据的比较)
  6.2.4 Commercial Paper(商业票据)
  6.2.5 Unearned Revenue(Prepayments by Customers[未赚取的收入(客户预付款)
  6.2.6 TheCurrentPortionofLong.termDebt(一年内到期的长期负债)
 6.3 Current Liabilities Dependent on Operating Results(Accrued Liabilities/Expenses)金额取决于经营成果的流动负债(应计负债/费用)
 6.4 Estimated Liabilities,Contingent Liabilities,and Commitments(预计负债、或有负债及承诺)
  6.4.1 Estimated Liabilities(预计负债)
  6.4.2 Contingent Liabilities(或有负债)
  6.4.3 Commitments(承诺)
 Key Terms
 Additional Reading Material
Chapter 7 Long-term Liabilities
第7章 长期负债
 7.1 Conceptual Overview and Characteristics of Long-term Liabilities(长期负债的概念和特征)
  7.1.1 Why Companies Issue Bonds But Not Stocks(为什么企业不发行股票而发行债券)
 7.2 Bonds Payable(应付债券)
  7.2.1 Types ofBonds(债券的类型)
  7.2.2 Bond Prices(债券价格)
  7.2.3 Bond Trading(债券交易)
  7.2.4 Accounting for Bonds Payable(应付债券的会计处理)
  7.2.5 Early RetirementofBonds Payable(债券的提前赎回)
  7.2.6 ConvertibleBondsandNotes(可转换债券)
  7.2.7 Classification of Bonds Payable in a Balance Sheet(债券在资产负债表上的分类)
  7.2.8 Mortgage Notes Payable(抵押债券)
 7.3 MaturingObligationsIntendedtobeRefinanced(到期打算继续借用的负债)
 7.4 Other Corporate Liabilities(其他公司负债)
  7.4.1 Lease Payment Obligations(租赁应付款)
第8章 所有者权益
第9章 财务报表
第10章 财务报表分析
