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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语学习/理论新剑桥生活与商务英语365练习册(3)



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: (英)迪格南(Dignen,B.),弗林德斯(Flinders,S.),斯威尼(Sweeney,S.) 著
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
标 签: 其他综合教程


ISBN: 9787115195791 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 96 字数:  


  《新剑桥生活与商务英语365练习册3》讲述了:English365 is a Business English and general Englishcourse. It is for learners who wantto develop their English skills for their work and theirsocial and travel needs, and therefore reflects thework-life balance of busy working adults. English365Personal Study Book 3 is for intermediate to upper-intermediate level learners.The Personal Study Book contains:· Better language learning-ideas about howto learn English more effectively· Language for language learning - an alphabetical list of all the grammatical and other terms used in the Student's Book· Practice exercises - one page of self-study exercises per unit of the Student's Book for additional practice· a full answer key to the exercises· a complete tapescript of the contents of the Personal Study Book Audio CD.The Personal Study Book Audio CD contains:· Listening units - exercises to reinforce work dc in the Student's Book· Pronunciation work- recordings from the Student's Book to provide further practice.Course components:Student's Book 3Student's Book 3 Audio Cassette Set (2)Student's Book 3 Audio CD Set (2)Teacher's Book 3 with 30 extra classroom activitiesPersonal Study Book 3 with Audio CDThe Website at www.cambridge.org/elt/english365 includes revision units, worksheets for every unit, wordlists, Better learning activities,weblinks and additional material.




Personal Study Book
 Better language learning
 Better language learning notes
 Learning diaries
 Language for language learning
 Practice exercises
 Answer key to Practice exercises
Personal Study Book Audio CD
 Contents of the Audio CD
  Tapescript Introduction
   Part 1 Listening units
Part 2 Pronunciation
 Tapescript: Patt1 Models
 Answer key to Listening units
  Learning diaries
 Track numbers
Thanks and acknowledgements
