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定 价:¥16.00

作 者: 黄江生 主编
出版社: 苏州大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787811375367 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 147 字数:  






Unit One Technology
 Passage 1 3D Technology
 Passage 2 3G Mobiles
 Passage 3 What Is Wii?
 Passage 4 When Health Care and Privacy Meet Online
Unit Two Education
 Passage 1 One Fundamental Difference between American and Chinese Schools
 Passage 2 Homeschooling
 Passage 3 The Hong Kong Education and Schooling System
 Passage 4 The UIC's Whole Person Education Concept
Unit Three Famous People
 Passage 1 Winston Churchill
 Passage 2 The Life of Henry Ford
 Passage 3 Biography of Barack Obama
 Passage 4 The Story of a Great Story
Unit Four Different Cultures
 Passage 1 Cross Culture Differences between East and West
 Passage 2 American Dream
 Passage 3 Gearing Up for the Next New Year
 Passage 4 Cultural Diversity
Unit Five Job
 Passage 1 Eight-hour Day
 Passage 2 Job Conditions That May Lead to Stress
 Passage 3 Find a Job
 Passage 4 Job Interview
Unit Six Social Problems
 Passage 1 Gun Control Does Not Work in America
 Passage 2 Illegal Immigration
 Passage 3 Crimes in the USA
 Passage 4 World Poverty \More Widespread
Unit Seven Economy
 Passage 1 The History of Economy
 Passage 2 How to Make a Business Plan
 Passage 3 Financial Crisis
 Passage 4 Antitrust Law
Unit Eight Environment
 Passage 1 Shanghai Shaping Up to Become Water-saving Society
 Passage 2 Climate Change and Human Action
 Passage 3 Warm Spring \Affecting Wildlife
 Passage 4 Low Solar Activity Link to Cold UK Winters
