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定 价:¥16.00

作 者: 梁荣敏,李晓兰 主编
出版社: 苏州大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材

ISBN: 9787811375367 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 135 字数:  






Unit One Sports
 Passage 1 The Power of Special Olympics World Games
 Passage 2 Parkour
 Passage 3 Curling
 Passage 4 Phelps' Epic Journey Ends in Perfection
Unit Two Wealth
 Passage 1 7 Ways to Make Extra Money
 Passage 2 10 Cool Jobs and What They Pay
 Passage 3 US Wealth Gap Gaping Wider
 Passage 4 Gender Spender: Sex Sets Your Money DNA
Unit Three Health and Fitness
 Passage 1 Get Healthy Together!
 Passage 2 How to Get Calcium You Need
 Passage 3 Making Good Health Easy
 Passage 4 Super Foods for Men and Women
Unit Four Disasters
 Passage 1 Five Worst Modern Disasters
 Passage 2 Are We Ready for Another Tsunami?
 Passage 3 The Science of Wildfires
 Passage 4 Is Global Warming Worsening Hurricanes?
Unit Five Energy
 Passage 1 Dirty Coal Is Winning
 Passage 2 What to Do with All That Carbon
 Passage 3 Will Green Enterprises Survive the Economic Crisis?
 Passage 4 Russia Scores Uzbek Natural Gas
Unit Six Food Crisis
 Passage 1 Why Global Warming Portends a Food Crisis
 Passage 2 What Will We Eat in a Hungrier World?
 Passage 3 Rising Food Prices Sharpen a European Debate
 Passage 4 UN Chief to Prod Nations on Food Crisis Trade, Price Policies at Issue
Unit Seven Travel
 Passage 1 Rome: Things to Do in 24 Hours
 Passage 2 Sydney: 10 Things to Do in 24 Hours
 Passage 3 New York City: 5 Places to Stay
 Passage 4 Tokyo: Need to Know
Unit Eight Entertainment
 Passage 1 The Lost Finale: Top 10 Most Anticipated TV Endings
 Passage 2 Top 10 Animal Stories
 Passage 3 Top 10 Movies of 2009
 Passage 4 Top 10 Quirky Local Festivals
