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定 价:¥15.00

作 者: 张政 主编
出版社: 苏州大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787811375008 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 131 字数:  






Unit 1
 Passage 1 Global Warming
 Passage 2 What Can We Do to Prevent Global Warming?
 Passage 3 A New Reading Era
 Passage 4 Electronic Money
Unit 2
 Passage 1 The (Impossible) American Dream
 Passage 2 American Education (Ⅰ)
 Passage 3 GPS--The Most Precise Navigation System Ever Invented
 Passage 4 Seven Ways to Save the World
Unit 3
 Passage 1 American Education (Ⅱ)
 Passage 2 Dieting vs. Newer Approaches to Losing Weight
 Passage 3 Black Holes
 Passage 4 Computer Games: Addictive and Time-Consuming
Unit 4
 Passage 1 Mysteries of the Flu
 Passage 2 Parents Face a New Frontier: Setting Electronic Limits
 Passage 3 Poison Pals
 Passage 4 Globalization--Winners and Losers
Unit 5
 Passage 1 The Future of the City
 Passage 2 Colleges Market Easy, No-Fee Sell to Applicants
 Passage 3 Philo Farnsworth
 Passage 4 How to Buy Nothing
Unit 6
 Passage 1 Yearbooks Ending at University of Virginia and Other Colleges
 Passage 2 The Web Way to Learn a Language
 Passage 3 China Finally Pays Off
 Passage 4 Energy Access, Security, Key to Reducing Poverty
Unit 7
 Passage 1 Five Easy Steps to Stay Safe on Facebook
 Passage 2 Globalization Must Be Stopped
 Passage 3 Making Reading  Passages Comprehensible for English Language Learners
 Passage 4 Nap Quest
Unit 8
 Passage 1 Lessons from the History of Childbirth
 Passage 2 Now, Put Yourself in My Shoes
 Passage 3 What Is an American? (Ⅰ)
 Passage 4 What Is an American? (Ⅱ)
