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定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 姚阳,赵沁,何艳东 主编
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787564036584 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 276 字数:  


  《大学英语综合教程》共分3册,本教材为第2册,设置了10个教学单元,围绕10个主题展开。每个单元各由五大部分构成,即Open Your Mouth,Cheer up Your Ears,Brighten Your Eyes,Loose Your Hands和Relax Your Mind。各单元模块紧扣同一主题,全方位锻炼学生的听、说、读、写、译等基本语言技能。通过“头脑风暴”“任务采访”“角色模拟”等教学任务的设计,使学生能够集思广益、活学活用,并能增强学生学习的自主性和合作性。 本册教材选材紧扣主题,贴近日常生活,具有时代性、知识性、趣味性和实践性,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的语言应用能力。练习的设计将教与学结合起来,课堂学习与实践结合起来,力争做到形式多样,选材新颖,寓教于乐,充分体现学以致用的功能,巩固所学知识,提高学生的语言知识和语言应用能力。




Unit 1 Campus Life
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 2 Housing & Cars
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 3 Money
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 4 The Beautiful Earth
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 5 Around the World
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 6 Lovely Pets
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 7 Leisure Time
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 8 Job & Career
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 9 The World of Internet
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 10 Dreams & Future
 Section One Open Your Mouth
 Section Two Cheer Up Your Ears
 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
 Section Four Loose Your Hands
 Section Five Relax Your Mind
