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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 黄欣,张淑芳 主编
出版社: 中山大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语专项训练


ISBN: 9787306036254 出版时间: 2010-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 520 字数:  






Unit 1 Daily Life
Section 1 Walk Freely.
Section 2 Various \Talk
Section 3 Fire and Heat
Section 4 Trees and Flowers
Section 5 Supply and Consume
Section 6 Agree and Disagree
Section 7 Admit and Deny
Section 8 Ability and Handicap
Section 9 Proiect and Projection
Section 10 Botany
Section 11 Zoology and Organism
Section 12 The Twelve Zodiac Sians
Section 13 Constellation
Section 14
Review Test 1
Unit 2 Human Beings
Section 1 Facial Appearances
Section 2 Body Organs
Section 3 Body Activities
Section 4 Character and Personality
Section 5 Senses and Perception
Section 6 Watch
Section 7 Spiritual and Physical
Section 8 Cry and Laugh
Section 9 Surprise and Anger
Section 10 Like and Dislike
Section 11 Perspiration and Inspiration
Section 12 Repel and Detest
Section 13 Happen and Occur
Section 14 Think and Infer
Review Test 2
Unit 3 Medicine, Food, Clothing and Houses
Section 1 Cook and Eat
Section 2 Vegetables and Grains
Section 3 Tastes
Section 4 Clothing
Section 5 Toilet
Section 6 Illness and Pain
Section 7 Diseases and Ailments
Section 8 Hospital and Doctor
Section 9 Medicines and Medical Aids
Section 10 Live and Die
Section 11 Last
Section 12 Mean and Order
Review Test 3
Unit 4 Entertainment and Travel
Section 1 Entertainment and Leisure Activities
Section 2 Art World
Section 3 Passengers and Transit
Section 4 Date and Appointment
Section 5 Resort and Relic
Section 6 Landscape
Section 7 Pollution and Destruction
Section 8 Departure and Destination
Section 9 Deliver and Commute
Section 10 Beforehand and Afterwards
Section 11 Grasp and Comprehend
Section 12
Review Test 4
Unit 5 Economics and Finance
Section 1 Money and Bank I
Section 2 Money and Bank II
Section 3 Possessions and Debt
Section 4 Possessions and Debt II
Section 5 Buy and Sell I
Section 6 Buy and Sell II
Section 7 Payment
Section 8 Market and Economy
Section 9 Borrow and Return
Section 10 International Trade
Section 11 Distribute and Unload
Section 12 Diplomacy
Review Test 5
Unit 6 Company and Organization
Section 1 Company and Corporation
Section 2 Negotiation and Mediation
Section 3 Agreement and Arbitration
Section 4 Declare and Announce
Section 5 Profession and Career
Section 6 Bonus and Welfare
Section 7 Various Occupations
Section 8 Conference and Assembly
Section 9 Present and Absent
Section 10 Tax and Tariff
Section 11 Prosperity and Recession
Review Test 6
Unit 7 Nations and Races
Section 3 Agreement and Arbitration
Section 4 Declare and Announce
Section 5 Profession and Career
Section 6 Bonus and Welfare
Section 7 Various Occupations
Section 1 Election and Vote
Section 2 Kingdom and Republic
Section 3 Capital and Metropolis
Section 4 Nation and Race I
Section 5 Nation and Race II
Section 6 Preserve and Violate
Section 7.serve-serve
Section 8 Society and Administrative Division
Section 9 Long and Short
Section 10 Wide and Narrow
Section 11 High and Low
Review Test 7
Unit 8 Crime and Punishment
Section 1 Crimes
Section 2 Kill and Stab
Unit 9 Win and Lose
Unit 10 Numbers and Measurement
Unit 11 Astronomy and Geography
Unit 12 Science and Dialectics
Unit 13 Prepositional Phrases
Unit 14 Verbal Phrases
