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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新编英美国家社会与文化(英国篇)



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作 者: 范建华,毛启红 主编
出版社: 苏州大学出版社
丛编项: 高校特色课程
标 签: 英语专业


ISBN: 9787811375671 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 174 字数:  






Chapter One General Introduction
 1.1 Topography
 1.2 Rivers, Lakes and Coast
 1.3 Climate
 1.4 Natural Resources
 1.5 Population and Language
 1.6 The American Dream
 1.7 American Family Life
 1.8 Holidays and Festivals
Chapter Two A Brief History ( I )
 2.1 The Discovery of America
 2.2 Overview of Colonial America 1607-1754
 2.3 Mayflower Compact
 2.4 The American War of Independence
 2.5 The American Civil War
Chapter Three A Brief History ( II )
 3.1 World War I
 3.2 Prosperity and Depression
 3.3 The New Deal and World War 1T
 3.4 The Modern Era
Chapter Four Political System
 4.1 The Political Culture of America
 4.2 The 1787 Constitution
 4.3 The Federal Svstem
 4.4 The Party System
Chapter Five Economy
 5.1 The Economic System
 5.2 A Historical Overview
 5.3 Natural Resources
 5.4 Different Sectors
Chapter Six Literature
 6.1 Literature and American Revolution(1746-1815)
 6.2 American Romanticism (1815-1865)
 6.3 American Realism (1865-1914)
 6.4 Modern Period (1914-1945)
Chapter Seven Education
 7.1 School Grades
 7.2 Basic Curricular Structure
 7.3 College and University
Chapter Eight Foreign Policy
 8.1 The American Heritage in Decision of Foreign Policy ..
 8.2 The Foreign Policy in and out of the World War Time ..
 8.3 Three Dimensions of the US Foreign Policy
Chapter Nine Religion
 9.1 Protestants
 9.2 Catholics
 9.3 The Orthodox Church
 9.4 Judaism
 9.5 Religion and Politics
Chapter Ten News Media
 10.1 Different Forms of News Media
 10.2 Features of News Media
 10.3 New Trends
