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作 者: 林群,安锦兰 主编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 全国职业教育旅游服务与管理专业系列规划教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787302228745 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 221 字数:  






Chapter ONE At the travel agency
Unit 1 Tour Consultation
Career Skills
Listening and Speaking Tasks
Reading Tasks
More for Exercises
Related Links
Word Bank
Unit 2 Tour Arrangement
Career Skills
Listening and Speaking Tasks
Reading Tasks
More for Exercises
Related Links
Word Bank
Chapter TWO Arrival
Unit 1 Guests' Arrival
Career Skills
Listening and Speaking Tasks
Reading Tasks
More for Exercises
Related Links
Word Bank
Unit 2 Exchanging Money
Career Skills
Listening and Speaking Tasks
Reading Tasks
More for Exercises
Related Links
Word Bank
Chapter THREE At the Hotel
Unit 1 Checking In
Career Skills
Listening and Speaking Tasks
Reading Tasks
More for Exercises
Related Links
Word Bank
Unit 2 Hotel Service and Facilities
Career Skills
Listening and Speaking Tasks
Reading Tasks
More for Exercises
Related Links
Word Bank
Chapter FOUR Food and Drinks
Unit 1 Eating Out
Career Skills
Listening and Speaking Tasks
Reading Tasks
More for Exercises
Related Links
Word Bank
Unit 2 Chinese Cuisine
Career Skills
Listening and Speaking Tasks
Reading Tasks
More for Exercises
Related Links
Chapter five transport
Chapter six sightseeing
Chapter seven shopping
Chapter eight entertainment
Chapter nine complaints and emergencies
Chapter ten departure
Communication activities
