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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语高分子材料专业英语(二版)



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作 者: 刘琼琼
出版社: 化学工业出版社
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787122085931 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 163 字数:  


  《高分子材料专业英语(第2版)》是《高分子材料专业英语》的第二版,是高职高专高分子材料专业的专业英语教材。全书共分为六大部分(PARTA~PART F),内容包括高分子材料的基本知识(Introduction),塑料添加剂(Plastics Additives)和各种树脂(Resins),橡胶配合剂(Rubber Compounding Ingredients)和各种生胶(Raw Rubbers)以及高分子材料的成型加工(Polymer Processing)。书后附有合成橡胶的命名(The Nomenclature of Synthetic Elastomers),高聚物缩写(Acronyms of Polymers)和高分子科学术语的词汇表(Glossary of Polymer Engineering)。《高分子材料专业英语》为高职高专院校高分子材料类专业师生使用教材,也可供从事高分子材料加工及应用的专业技术人员参考。




PART A Introduction
Unit 1 Polymer
[Reading Material] The Rise of Polymer Science
Unit 2 Classification of Polymers
[Reading Material] Polymer Architecture
Unit 3 Synthesis
[Reading Material] Techniques of Polymerization
Unit 4 Plastics, Rubber and Fiber
[Reading Material] The General Properties of Plastics
PART B Plastics Additives
Unit 1 Stabilizers
[Reading Material] Organic Stabilizers for Pipe
Unit 2 Plasticizers
[Reading Material] PVC Additives (1)
Unit 3 Lubricants
[Reading Material] PVC Additives (2)
PART C Resins
Unit 1 Polyethylene
[Reading Material] High Density Polyethylene
Unit 2 Polypropylene
[Reading Material] Nanometer Plastic
Unit 3 Polyvinyl Chloride
[Reading Material] What is PVC? (1)
Unit 4 Polystyrene
[Reading Material] What is PVC? (2)
Unit 5 Phenolics
[Reading Material] Future 15 Years in Prospect of Chemical Construction Material
Unit 6 Epoxy Resins
[Reading Material] Plastics and the Environment
PART D Rubber Compounding Ingredients
Unit 1 General Introduction
[Reading Material] Importance of Rubber
Unit 2 Rubbers
[Reading Material] Other Types of Rubbers
Unit 3 Vulcanizing System
[Reading Material] Other Types of Vulcanizing Agents
Unit 4 Antidegradants
[Reading Material] The Ageing of Rubber Vulcanizates
Unit 5 Fillers
[Reading Material] IRHD and Shore A Scales
Silica Used in Tires
PART E Raw Rubbers
Unit 1 Natural Rubber
[Reading Material] Natural Rubber (Polyisoprene)
Unit 2 Butadiene Rubber
[Reading Material] Difference of NR and IR
Unit 3 E-SBR
[Reading Material] Polymerization of E-SBR
Unit 4 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber
[Reading Material] General Types of NBR
Unit 5 Chloroprene Rubber
[Reading Material] Rubber Compounding Rules (1)
Unit 6 Butyl Rubber
[Reading Material] Rubber Compounding Rules (2)
Unit 7 Ethylene-Propylene Rubber
[Reading Material] Surface Bloom of Rubber
PART F Polymer Processing
Unit 1 Extrusion
[Reading Material] Extrusion
Unit 2 Molding
[Reading Material] Rotational, Fluidized-Bed and Slush Molding
Unit 3 Rubber Processing
[Reading Material] Processing Rubber
AppendixⅠ The Nomenclature of Synthetic Elastomers
Appendix Ⅱ Acronyms of Polymers
Appendix Ⅲ Glossary of Polymer Engineering
