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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术水利工程水电站预应力闸墩设计分析(英文版 Design Analysis of Prestressed Pier of Hydropower Station)

水电站预应力闸墩设计分析(英文版 Design Analysis of Prestressed Pier of Hydropower Station)

水电站预应力闸墩设计分析(英文版 Design Analysis of Prestressed Pier of Hydropower Station)

定 价:¥22.00

作 者: 唐克东 著
出版社: 水利水电出版社
标 签: 水电站工程


ISBN: 9787508478753 出版时间: 2010-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 134 字数:  




暂缺《水电站预应力闸墩设计分析(英文版 Design Analysis of Prestressed Pier of Hydropower Station)》作者简介


1.1 General of the project
1.2 Layout of weirs
1.3 Layout of piers
1.4 Design of tainter gate support
1.5 Arrangement of prestressed tendons
Basic parameters and design priciples
2.1 Basic parameters
2.1.1 Characteristic water levels
2.1.2 Water surface profile on the pier
2.1.3 Unit weight of water
2.1.4 Properties of rock foundation
2.1.5 Properties of concrete
2.1.6 Properties of tendons
2.1.7 The thrust of tainter gate
2.1.8 Tonnage of the prestressed tendons
2.1.9 Earthquake parameters
2.1.10 Temperature load
2.1.11 Thrust of the bulkhead gate
2.2 Limit states of concrete
2.3 Loads and load combinations
2.3.1 On the middle pier
2.3.2 On the side pier
Numerical model of the pier
3.1 Assumptions
3.2 Region of finite element analysis
3.3 Boundary conditions
3.4 Model of the pier
3.4.1 Coordinate system
3.1.2 The FEM model
3.5 Analysis procedures
4 Results of the middle pier
4.1 Definitions
4.1.1 Coordinate systems
4.1.2 Stress
4.1.3 Displacement and deformation
4.1.4 Characteristic sections
4.1.5 Key points
4.1.6 The paths
4.1.7 Terminology
4.2 Results of the stresses
4.2.1 Anchorage block
4.2.2 Bearing area of the pier
4.2.3 The upstream vertical anchorage well
4.2.4 The intersecting line of pier body with base plate
4.2.5 The slot of the tainter gate
4.2.6 Bulkhead slot
4.2.7 The galleries
4.3 Results of the displacements
4.3.1 Anchorage block
4.3.2 Bearing area of the pier
4.3.3 The upstream vertical anchorage well
4.3.4 The intersecting line of pier with base plate
4.3.5 The tainter gate slot
4.3.6 The bulkhead slot
4.3.7 The galleries
4.3.8 Contour map of the displacements
5 Results of the side pier
5.1 Definitions
5.1.1 Coordinate systems
5.1.2 Stress
5.1.3 Displacement
5.1.4 Characteristic sections
5.1.5 Key points
5.1.6 The path
5.1.7 Terminology
5.2 The results of stresses
5.2.1 Anchorage block
5.2.2 Bearing area of the pier
5.2.3 The upstream vertical anchorage well
5.2.4 The intersecting line of pier with base plate
5.2.5 The slot of the tainter gate
5.2.6 Bulkhead slot
5.3 Results of the displacements
5.3.1 Anchorage block
5.3.2 Bearing area of the side pier
5.3.3 The upstream vertical anchorage well
5.3.4 The intersecting line of side pier with base plate
5.3.5 The tainter gate slot
5.3.6 The bulkhead slot
5.3.7 Contour maps of the displacements
6.1 The middle pier
6.1.1 The stresses of main parts
6.1.2 The displacements of main parts
6.2 The side pier
6.2.1 The stresses of main parts
6.2.2 The displacements of main parts
6.3 Suggestions
Appendix-A Anchor-plans comparison of vertical anchorage well with anchorage cavities.
Appendix-B Stress of the anchorage region of prestressed tendons
Appendix-C Stress band plot in the unfavorable load cases
Appendix-D Constant value line figures of stresses
