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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 蔡郁,汪媛 主编
出版社: 南京大学出版社
标 签: 医学英语


ISBN: 9787305072871 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 259 字数:  


  为了适应时代对医学人才培养的需求,我们以多年的教学经验积累,将医学生的英语学习与他们的专业学习相结合,编写了本册医学英语教材。本书以提高医学生对英语的听、说、读、写、译的全面能力以及自主学习能力为目标,而将重点放在对医学英语的综合掌握和应用上。 全书16个单元。每个单元围绕一个与医学相关的大主题。




Unit 1 Anatomy
Part Ⅰ Text
Structures of the Lung and the Kidney
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Coronary Artery Disease
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
How Does the Food Act in Your Digestive System
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 2 Physiology
Part Ⅰ Text
Cells and Aging
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Reaching 100 is Easier Than Suspected
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
10 Easy Steps to a Healthier Heart
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 3 Biochemistry
Part Ⅰ Text
Biochemistry and Human Development
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Researchers Take Step Toward Synthetic Life
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Gene Therapy Saves Lives of Infants
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 4 Pathology
Part Ⅰ Text
An Introduction to Pathology
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Job Burnout; Know the Signs and Symptoms
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Types of Breast Cancer
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 5 Immunology
Part Ⅰ Text
HIV Infection and the Gastrointestinal Immune System
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Vertebrate Immune System
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 6 Epidemics
Part Ⅰ Text
Explore Route of Transmission for Kala-azar
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Hepatitis B Virus Intrauterine Transmission
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Epidemiological Research on SARS in China
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 7 Pharmacology
Part Ⅰ Text
Immune Response
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Antibiotic Use Is Out of Control
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Herbs that Heal
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 8 Diagnosis
Part Ⅰ Text
Helpful Clinical Pointers for the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Age and Chronic Illness on Life Expectancy after a Diagnosis
of Colorectal Cancer
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
The Clinical Record
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 9 Nursing
Part Ⅰ Text
The History of Nursing
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
A Sister's Helping Hang
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Traveling Nurse
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 10 Internal Medicine
Part Ⅰ Text
Acute Leukemias
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussibn
Lack of Coherent Cloning Policies in USA
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Helicobacter Pylori
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 11 Surgery
Part Ⅰ Text
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Kidney Transplantation
Part Ⅳ Word.Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 12 Clinical Lab
Part Ⅰ Text
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Cheap, Portable Medical Tests Soon Available With Lab on a
Chip Development
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 13 Preventive Medicine
Part Ⅰ Text \
Cellular-Telephone Use and Brain Tumors
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Association Between Commuting Physical Activity and
Cardiovascular Risk
Part Ⅵ Translatior
Unit 14 Traditional Chinese Medicine
Part Ⅰ Text
Acupuncture Therapy
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscUssion
The Nature of Acupuncture Therapy
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fas.t Reading
Acupuncture and Pain
Part Ⅵ. Translation ~
Unit 15 Medical Psychology
Part Ⅰ Text
How Emotions Strengthen Memory
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Severe PTSD Damages Children's Brains
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Bully on the Brain
Part Ⅵ Translation
Unit 16 Community Medical Service
Part Ⅰ Text
Report Calls for More Community Based Health Care in Scotland
Part Ⅱ Listening
Part Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion
Why Our Healthcare System Isn't Healthy
Part Ⅳ Word Formation
Part Ⅴ Fast Reading
Fighters of H. I. V
Part Ⅵ Translation
Keys to Exercises (For Reference)
