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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语超越金融英语900句



定 价:¥39.80

作 者: 浩瀚 主编
出版社: 石油工业出版社
标 签: 金融英语


ISBN: 9787502178857 出版时间: 2010-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 365 字数:  






Chapter 1 Daily Service
 Unit 1 Reception
 Unit 2 Giving Answers to a Customer
 Unit 3 Making Inquiries to a Customer
 Unit 4 Making Suggestions to a Customer
 Unit 5 Offering Apologies to a Customer
Chapter 2 Banking
 Unit 1  Opening an Account
 Unit 2  Depositing Money
 Unit 3 Handling Withdrawals
 Unit 4 Credit Card
 Unit 5 Reporting the Loss
 Unit 6 Remittance
 Unit 7 Loan
 Unit 8 Buying Traveler's Cheques
 Unit 9 Cashing and Discounting
 Unit 10 Transferring between Different Accounts
 Unit 11 Opening a Letter of Credit
 Unit 12 Closing an Account
 Unit 13 Interest and Interest Rates
 Unit 14 Agency Receipt and Payment
 Unit 15 Handling Reconversion
 Unit 16 Explaining Rates of Exchange
 Unit 17 Banks in China
 Unit 18 Computerized Banking
 Unit 19 Renting a Safe Deposit Box
 Unit 20 Automated Teller Machine
 Unit 21 Telephone Banking
Chapter 3 Money Business
 Unit 1 Foreign Exchange Dealing
 Unit 2 Foreign Exchange
 Unit 3 Talking about Renminbi
 Unit 4 The International Monetary System
 Unit 5 Issuing All Offshore Bond
 Unit 6 Financial Management
 Unit 7 International Financial Market
Chapter 4 Insurance
 Unit 1 Life Insurance
 Unit 2 Medical Insurance
 Unit 3 Accident Insurance
 Unit 4 Cargo Insurance
 Unit S Business Insurance
 Unit 6 Other Insurances
Chapter 5 Trust Service,Funds and Stock
 Unit 1 Making a Collection
 Unit 2 Credit Inquiry
 Unit 3 Stock Market
 Unit 4 Stocks and Shares
 Unit 5 Funds Business
