Unit One A Guide to College Life and Study
1. High School Versus College Life
2. College Students and Homesickness
3. Critical Mistakes Made by Most College Freshmen
4. How to Be a Successful Language Learner?
5. The SQ3R Method
6. Efficient Reading Strategies
Unit Two Learning and Reading
1. Selected Readings from The Analects
2. An Exhortation to Learning (excerpts)
3. Study
4. Professional Skill
5. The Delights of Books
6. Companionship of Books
7. It is Never Too Late for Success
Unit Three People
1. Marie Curie
Marie Curie: A Biography (excerpts)
University Life
Marriage and Home Life
2. Helen Keller
The Story of My Life (excerpts)
Meeting with My Teacher Anne Sullivan
Overcoming the Difficulty
College Life
Unit Four Arts
1. The Hollyland of the American Movie Industry -- Hollywood
2. The Academy Awards
3. The Most Influential Film Festivals
4. The Big Six -- Top 6 Major Film Studios in the Movie Business
5. The Emmy Awards
6. The Grammy Awards
7. Audrey Hepburn
Unit Five Polities
1. China showcases strength, vitality on 60th founding anniversary
2. After Shenzhou Success, China Looks to the Future
3. Tibet celebrates Serfs Emancipation Day
4. 85,000 Iraqis killed in almost 5 years of war
Unit Six Cyberculture
1. Websites Connect Donors to Specific Needs
2. Kids Embrace the Spirit of Giving
3. Woven deep into our lives
4. Internet addiction made an official disorder in China
Unit Seven Fables, Folktales, Fairy Tales
1. The Golden Axe
2. Three Apples
3. The Shepherd Boy
4. The Most Incredible Thing
5. The Happy Prince
Unit Eight Adventure Novels
1. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Plot Overview
2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Plot Overview
3. The Little Prince
Plot Overview
Unit Nine World History I
1. Origins of the Earth and Humans
2. The Middle East
3. Ancient Egypt
4. Ancient Greece
Unit Ten Poems
1. Tagore's Poems
The Home
On the Seashore
The Gift
Strong Mercy
Lamp of Love
2. Dickinson's Poems
\Hope\ is the thing with feathers
If I can stop one Heart from breaking
I'm nobody! Who are you?
The Brain -- is wider than the Sky
Success is counted sweetest
Key to the Exercises
Appendix 1 Conventions for Capitalizing Words of English News Headlines
Appendix 2 Timeline of World History (I)