This monograph is the Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology(20t0 ISSST). Collected in this volume are 415 papers from twenty countries and regions. These papers cover thefollowing aspects: Theories and Methods of Safety Science; Safety Assessment and Risk Analysis; SafetyMonitoring and Supervision; Emergency Management and Evacuation; Public Security; Occupational Health andHuman Behavior; Numerical Simulation of Fire; Fire Experiment and Property Research; Smoke Control; FireControl and Extinguishing; Fire Extinguishing Agent and Fire Equipment; Explosion Performance and Safety ofHazardous Materials; Blast Safety; Gas Explosion and Safety; Leakage of Combustible and Toxic Materials;Safety of Chemical Reaction Tank and Pressure Vessel; Performance and Process of Burning; Work Safety in CoalMine; Spontaneous Combustion in Coal Mine; Gas and Dust Control in Coal Mine; Coal, Gas and Rock Burst;Ventilation; Bridge Safety Engineering; Dam Safety; Fatigue, Lifetime and Reliability; Traffic and TransportationSafety; Construction and Building Safety; Slope Stability; Safety of Ttumel and Metro Construction; SafetyManagement; and Miscellaneous. Many novel research results on safety science and technology achieved duringthe last few years are mentioned in the proceedings.