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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语高等实用英语教程(第二册)



定 价:¥27.00

作 者: 徐秋琴 总主编,任永芳,尚文真 主编
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787030276568 出版时间: 2010-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 252 字数:  


  本书共分10个单元。每单元按照语言教学规律进行编排,包括:Listening and Talking(听说部分)、Intensive Reading(精读部分)、Learning Strategy(学习策略部分)。以学生入学开始的生活为主线,在具体的交际场景中进行听说系统训练,精选了与学习、生活紧密相关的文章进行讲解,并提供了涉及阅读、翻译和写作的学习策略和语言应用技巧。本书可作为高职高专非英语专业学生教材,也可作为相关职业培训的参考教材。




Unit One
Listening and Talking
Taking a Part-time Job for Travel
Intensive Reading
Text A How to Stand Out in an Interview
Text B 10 Don'ts in Your Job Interview
Learning Strategy
Unit Two
Listening and Talking
Intensive Reading
Text A Tips to Establish Your Good Business Reputation
Text B Integrity in Business-the Key to Long-term Business Success
Learning Strategy
Unit Three
Listening and Talking
Talking with My Teacher
Intensive Reading
Text A How to Become as Rich as Bill Gates
Text B Ten Commandments of Cell Phone Etiquette
Learning Strategy
Unit Four
Listening and Talking
Talking about Difficulties in Studies
Intensive Reading
Text A Be a Successful Learner
Text B Undergraduate Research.
Learning Strategy
Unit Five
Listening and Talking
Running for the Student Union Election
Intensive Reading
Text A How to Build a Teamwork Culture
Text B Ways of Making Teams Effective
Learning Strategy
Unit Six
Listening and Talking
Traveling Ⅰ Talking about Plans
Intensive Reading
Text A Auckland
Text B The Beauty of Britain
Learning Strategy
Unit Seven
Listening and Talking
Traveling Ⅱ Making a Hotel
Reservation and Booking Air Tickets
Intensive Reading
Text A Golden Gate Bridge
Text B Statue of Liberty
Learning Strategy
Unit Eight
Listening and Talking
Transportation Ⅰ By Taxi and By Bus
Intensive Reading
Text A Traffic Jam Mystery Solved By Mathematicians
Text B Beneath the Streets of Boston: Building America's First Subway
Learning Strategy
Unit Nine
Listening and Talking
Transportation Ⅱ By Train
Intensive Reading
Text A The Airplane on Tracks
Text B CRH: A Nationwide Focus
Learning Strategy
Unit Ten
Listening and Talking
Transportation Ⅲ By Plane
Intensive Readin
Text A Airbus A340
Text B All I Wanted Was to Talk to My Family, and Get Some Dry Socks
Learning Strategy
