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定 价:¥46.00

作 者: 杨豪中,徐娅 主编
出版社: 中国建筑工业出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787112122004 出版时间: 2010-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 406 字数:  






Part Ⅰ Background Knowladge
Intensive Reading
Lesson 1 City Planning
Lesson 2 Functional Considerations of Building Types
Lesson 3 Sociological and Psychological Aspects
Lesson 4 The Evolution of Perception
Extensive Reading
Art Of The Fifteenth Century
Art After The Renaissance
Abstract And Expressionistic Art
Part Ⅱ Basic Theory
Intensive Reading
Lesson 5 The Role of the Landscape Designer
Lesson 6 Hard Landscape Design
Lesson 7 Soft Landscape Design
Lesson 8 Visible Landscape
Lesson 9 The Defined Open Space
Lesson 10 The Process of Programming
Extensive Reading
Pablo Picasso
Henry Moore The World's Grandest Old Man of Sculpture
Henry Matisse
Part Ⅲ Academic Frontiers
Intensive Reading
Lesson 11 Urban Publiespaee: The Role of Squares
Lesson 12 John Notman and Landscape Gardening in Philadelphia
Lesson 13 Garden Cities: Sustainable Design. Past, Present,Future
Lesson 14 Multi-sensory Experience: the Significance of Touch
Lesson 15 Landscape Planning: a History of Influential Ideas
Extensive Reading
How to Write a Data Sheet
Tactics for Job-Hunt Success
Top Ten Tips for Career Fair Success
Part Ⅳ Design Project
Intensive Reading
Lesson 16 Office Landscape
Lesson 17 Recreate Nature From Debris--Third Millennium Park in Bogota, Columbia
Lesson 18 Splendid Sight in the Swedish Estate Meet the Requirements of Different Group
Lesson 19 Regeneration of Post-industrial Sites on Sydney Harbour
Lesson 20 Enjoy the Fresh Air in the Limited Space-- Garden in the Slice up House
Extensive Reading
Vintage Vienna's Imperial Flavor
London Art Galleries
Shanghai Returns to The Pinnacle of Fashion
