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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语GIS专业英语教程



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 明冬萍,刑廷炎 主编
出版社: 电子工业出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787121119170 出版时间: 2010-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 309 字数:  






Part I Fundamentals of Geographic Information Sciences
Chapter 1 Introduction to GIS
1.1 Geomatics and GIS
1.2 Background and History of GIS
1.3 Components of GIS
1.4 Principal Functions of GIS
1.5 Application Scope of GIS
Chapter 2 Spatial Data and Related Issues
2.1 Concept of Spatial Data
2.2 Data Capture
2.3 Geo relational Data Model
2.4 The Spatial Data and the Attribute Data
2.5 Coordinate Systems, Projection and Registration
2.6 Vector and Raster Data Structure
2.7 Thematic Mapping
2.8 Resolution and Scale of Spatial Data
Chapter 3 Spatial Analysis and Functions of GIS
3.1 Proximity Analysis (Buffering)
3.2 Overlay Analysis
3.3 Spatial Statistics
3.4 Network Analysis
3.5 Modeling
3.6 Some Real Life Examples
Chapter 4 Types of GIS
4.1 Four dimensional GIS
4.2 Multimedia/Hypermedia GIS
4.3 WebGIS
4.4 Virtual Reality GIS
4.5 Real time GIS
Part II Advances and Hot Points in
Chapter 5 WebGIS and the Key Issues
Chapter 6 GridGIS: Direction of GIS
Chapter 7 Progressive Transmission of Spatial Data
Chapter 8 3D GIS and Its Developments
Part III Related Techniques of Geoinformatics
Chapter 9 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
Chapter 10 Development Trends in Remote Sensing
Chapter 11 Fundamentals of Global Positioning System
Chapter 12 Integration of GIS, RS and GPS
Part IV Appendix
Appendix AGIS Dictionary
Appendix BEnglish Journals on Geoinformatics
Appendix CWriting of Scientific Paper
