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定 价:¥19.00

作 者: 盛丹丹 主编
出版社: 金盾出版社
标 签: 餐饮旅游业英语


ISBN: 9787508264172 出版时间: 2010-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 286 字数:  






Chapter 1 Traveling Matters
Unit 1 Travel Plan
Unit 2 Travel Information
Unit 3 Visa Application
Unit 4 Trip Preparation
Unit 5 Booking And Refunding Of Tickets
Unit 6 Currency Exchange
Chapter 2 Entry And Exit
Unit 1 Checking In
Unit 2 Consigning Luggage
Unit 3 Security Check
Unit 4 Through Customs
Unit 5 Entrance Registration
Unit 6 At The Transit
Chapter 3 Transportation
Unit 1 Airline Service
Unit 2 Railway Service
Unit 3 Traveling By Ship
Unit 4 On A Bus
Unit 5 Taking A Taxi
Unit 6 Vehicle-renting Service
Chapter 4 Aeeommodation
Unit 1 Room Reservation
Unit 2 Checking In
Unit 3 Housekeeping
Unit 4 Calling Service
Unit 5 Complaints
Unit 6 Checking Out And Paying The Bill
Unit 7 Youth Hostel
Chapter 5 Tasty Food
Unit 1 Ordering Dishes
Unit 2 Talking About The Dishes
Unit 3 Dessert And Beverage
Unit 4 Paying The Bill
Unit 5 Buffet Restaurant
Unit 6 At The Fast-food Restaurant
Unit 7 In The Care
Unit 8 At The Bar
Unit 9 Sidewalk Snack Booth
Chapter 6 Sightseeing Tours
Unit 1 Sightseeing In The City
Unit 2 An Organized Tour
Unit 3 Getting Information
Unit 4 Natural Scenery
Unit 5 Places Of Interest
Unit 6 A Tour In Europe
Unit 7 A Tour InAfrica
Unit 8 A Tour In America
Unit 9 A Tour In Australia
Unit 10 Tourist Photos
Chapter 7 Individuality Tour
Unit 1 Do-it-yourself Travel
Unit 2 Backpackers
Unit 3 Honeymoon Trip
Unit 4 Domicile Exchange
Unit 5 Family Day Out
Chapter 8 Troubles During The Tour
Unit 1 seeing A Doctor
Unit 2 Getting Lost And Asking The Way
Unit 3 Traffic Policemen
Unit 4 Call'ing The Police For Help
Chapter 9 Shopping During The Tour
Unit 1 Jewelry And Ornaments
Unit 2 Gifts And Crafts
Unit 3 Local Products
Unit 4 Bargaining
Unit 5 Wrapping And Posting
Unit 6 Tax Rebate
