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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 王书淮 等编著
出版社: 机械工业出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787111320661 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 222 字数:  






Users Guide使用说明
Chapter 1 Daily Communication
Unit 1 Introduction介绍 2
Unit 2 Greetings问候 8
Unit 3 Congratulations祝贺 13
Unit 4 Saying Thanks致谢 17
Unit 5 Making Apologies道歉 22
Unit 6 Saying Goodbye道别 27
Unit 7 Meeting People与人交往 31
Unit 8 Communication on the Internet网络交际 36
Unit 9 Expressing Feelings情感表达 42
Unit 10 Interests and Hobbies兴趣爱好 47
Unit 11 Asking for Help寻求帮助 52
Unit 12 Dining Out外出用餐 57
Unit 13 Complaining and Reporting投诉举报 62
Chapter 2 Business Communication
Unit 1 Hunting for a Job求职 68
Unit 2 Making an Interview面试 73
Unit 3 Talking about Job谈论工作 77
Unit 4 Getting Along with Colleagues同事相处 81
Unit 5 Promotion and Pay Rise升职加薪 85
Unit 6 Discussing in a Meeting开会讨论 89
Unit 7 Business Negotiation商务谈判 93
Unit 8 Deficiency Claim损失索赔 98
Unit 9 Making Telephone Appointment电话约见 102
Unit 10 Invitation to Visit邀请拜访 106
Unit 11 Flights to the Airport航班接机 109
Chapter 3 Communication in Our Lives
Unit 1 Dry Cleaning衣服干洗 114
Unit 2 Beauty Parlor美容美发 119
Unit 3 Asking Hairstyle询问发型 122
Unit 4 Buying Glasses买眼镜 126
Unit 5 With Contact Lenses配隐形眼镜 131
Unit 6 Opening a Bank Account银行开户 135
Unit 7 Currency Exchange货币兑换 141
Unit 8 Posting Mail邮局邮寄 145
Unit 9 Buying Postage Stamps邮票购买 149
Unit 10 Express Services快递服务 153
Unit 11 Asking for Sick Leave请病假 157
Unit 12 Seeing a Doctor看医生 160
Unit 13 Going to the Pharmacy去药房 165
Unit 14 Taking Vaccination接种疫苗 168
Chapter 4 Leisure Communication
Unit 1 Holidays节假日 174
Unit 2 Shopping Excursion商场购物 178
Unit 3 Shopping on the Internet网上购物 182
Unit 4 Business Trip出差旅行 186
Unit 5 Ticket Booking机票预订 189
Unit 6 Hotel Reservation旅馆预订 193
Unit 7 Request Service请求服务 197
Unit 8 Checking Out退房离开 201
Unit 9 Seeing a Film看电影 205
Unit 10 Online Game 网络游戏 209
Unit 11 Museum博物馆 215
Unit 12 Talking about Rules谈论规则 218
