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定 价:¥36.00

作 者: 唐敏康,邓晓宇 主编
出版社: 冶金工业出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787502454180 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 272 字数:  






Chapter 1 System Safety Engineering
 Unit One Introduction of System Safety Engineering
 Unit Two Principles of System Safety Engineering
 Unit Three System Safety Management
 Unit Four Fault Tree Analysis
 Unit Five Intelligent Transport Systems
 Practical Writing I Certificate
Chapter 2 Ergonomics Engineering
 Unit One Introduction of Ergonomics Engineering
 Unit Two Office Ergonomics Engineering
 Unit Three Ergonomics Engineering in Mining
 Unit Four Ergonomics Engineering in Accident Investigations
 Practical Writing II Letter of Consolation
Chapter 3 Safety Culture
 Unit One Defining Safety Culture
 Unit Two The Importance of Developing a Safety Culture
 Unit Three Characteristics of a Positive Safety Culture
 Unit Four Developing a Safety Culture in Your Enterprise
 Unit Five Behavioral Safety Management
 Practical Writing Ill Receipt
Chapter 4 Safety Law
 Unit One Overview of the New Safety Legislation for the NSW Coal Mining Industry
Unit Two Health and Safety Law
Unit Three The Enforcement of Health and Safety Standards in Mines
 Practical Writing IV Making a Speech
Chapter 5 The Economics of Security
Unit One The Value of Safety and Health
 Unit Two The Costs of Injuries
 Unit Three Smart Investment in Safety
 Practical WritingV Congratulations
Chapter 6 Safety Evaluation and Risk Management
Unit One Safety Assessment
Unit Two Formal Safety Assessment
Unit Three Risk Factor
Unit Four Risk Management
Unit Five Minerals Industry Risk Management (MIRM) Model
 Practical WritingVl Letters of Job Application
Chapter 7 Mining Safety
Unit One The Hazardous Nature of Dusts
Unit Two Making Electricity Safe for Use in Mines
Unit Three Mine Fire
Unit Four Mine Safety
Unit Five Rock Burst
Unit Six Subsurface Ventilation
 Practical Writing VII Memorandum
Chapter 8 Construction Safety
 Unit One Safe Erection, Use and Dismantling of Falsework
 Unit Two Establishing Exclusion Zones When Using Explosives in Demolition
 Unit Three Tower Scaffolds
 Unit Four Inspecting Fall Arrest Equipment Made from Webbing or Rope
 Practical Writing VIII Letters of Recommendation
Chapter 9 Fire Safety
 Unit One Science of Extinguishment
 Unit Two What is a Fire-safe Hotel?
 Unit Three Fire Hazards in Industry
 Unit Four Groups at High Risk in Fires
 Practical Writing IX Letters of Invitation
Chapter 10 Chemical Engineering Safety
 Unit One Disasters: Chemical Accidents and Spills
