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最新商务报告写作(第9版 上)

最新商务报告写作(第9版 上)

定 价:¥36.00

作 者: (美)里奥登 著
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 商务写作


ISBN: 9787301179215 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 247 字数:  




暂缺《最新商务报告写作(第9版 上)》作者简介


section 1 technical communication basics
 chapter 1 definition of technical communication
 chapter 2 profiling audiences
 chapter 3 the technical communication process
 chapter 4 technical communication style
 chapter 5 researching
 chapter 6 designing pages
 chapter 7 using visual aids
 chapter 8 summarizing
 chapter 9 defining
 chapter 10 describing
section 2 technical communication applications
 chapter 11 sets of instructions
 chapter 12 memorandums and informal reports
 chapter 13 developing websites
 chapter 14 formal reports
 chapter 1s recommendation and feasibility reports
 chapter 16 proposals
 chapter 17 user manuals
section 3 professional communication
 chapter 18 oral presentations
 chapter 19 letters
 chapter 20 job application materials
appendix a brief handbook for technical writers
appendix b documenting sources
