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定 价:¥36.00

作 者: 曾利娟 主编
出版社: 郑州大学出版社
标 签: 其它教材

ISBN: 9787564502898 出版时间: 2010-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 342 字数:  






UNIT 1 Food
Text A Fruits
Text B Sweet Potatoes
Text C A Good Eating Habit
UNIT 2 Animals
Text A Dogs
Text B The White Elephant
Text C Sharks
UNIT 3 Entertainment
Text A Leisure Time
Text B Life of Pop Stars
Text C Three Popular Sports in the United States
UNIT 4 Culture
Text A British Customs
Text B Social Customs and Ways of Behaving
Text C Manners for Invitations in America
UNIT 5 Learning
Text A The Best Way to Improve Your Reading Ability
Text B English Learners
Text C Good Language Learners
UNIT 6 Career
Text A My Working Experience
Text B Team Player
Text C Attitudes Towards Work
UNIT 7 Invention
Text A A New Machine
Text B The Future City
Text C Cars in the Future
UNIT 8 Crime
Text A A Burglar
Text B For the Matching Pearl
Text C A Warning of a Thief
UNIT 9 Education
Text A Scientists and Our Education
Text B Adult Education in America
Text C Cambridge University
UNIT 10 Social Problem
Text A Rural Unemployment Becomes Urban Unemployment
Text B A Problem of Modern Life
Text C Stop Drug Abuse
Key to Quiz
