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定 价:¥26.80

作 者: 郭敏 主编
出版社: 水利水电出版社
丛编项: 高职高专教育"十二五"规划教材
标 签: 计算机英语


ISBN: 9787508480817 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 242 字数:  






Unit One Introduction to Computers
Section One: Situational Dialog
Computer Festival
Section Two: Passages
Passage A: Evolution of Computers
Categories of Computers
Development of Computers
Passage B: Computers and Our Life
Section Three: Skill in Focus
Computer English Reading, Part 1
Section Four: Extended Reading
Getting More Comfortable with Computers
Part I of Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve Jobs
Part II of Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve Jobs
Tips for common PC problems
Unit Two Computer Hardware
Section One: Situational Dialog
Shopping for a Computer
Section Two: Passages
Passage A: A Guide on the Main Components in a PC
Passage B: Introducing Common Peripherals
Section Three: Skill in Focus
Computer English Reading, Part 2
Section Four: Extended Reading
Part III of Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve Jobs
Tips for common PC problems
Unit Three Operation Systems
Section One: Situational Dialog
System Crash
Section Two: Passages
Passage A: Categories of Operating System
Passage B: Comparison between Linux and Windows
Section Three: Skill in Focus
Computer English Reading, Part 3
Section Four: Extended Reading
Some Changes in Windows 7 Taskbar
Tips for common PC problems
Unit Four Application Software
Section One: Situational Dialog
My Computer Has Been Attacked by Viruses
Section Two.' Passages
Passage A: Software Categories
Passage B: Computer Security
Section Three: Skill in Focus
Computer English Translation, Part 1
Section Four: Extended Reading
An Introduction to Microsoft Office
Tips for common PC problems
Unit Five Programming Language
Section One: Situational Dialog
Requirements Analysis
Section Two: Passages
Passage A: Introduction to Programming Language
Passage B: Object-oriented Programming
Section Three: Skill in Focus
Computer English Translation, Part 2
Section Four: Extended Reading
Passage A: Software Engineering
Tips for common PC problems
Unit Six Data Structure
Section One: Situational Dialog ACM/1CPC
Section Two: Passages
Passage A: Data Structure
Passage B: Linear Table
Section Three: Skill in Focus
Computer English Writing, Part 1
Section Four: Extended Reading Tree
The Queue ADT
Data Warehouse
Tips for common PC problems
Unit Seven Internet
Section One: Situational Dialog
Internet Shopping
Section Two: Passages
Passage A: A Brief Introduction to the Internet:
Passage B: Regulating the Internet:
Section Three: Skill in Focus
Computer English Writing, Part 2
Section Four: Extended Reading
Safe Shopping on EBay
New Safari Browser Succeeds At Speed., RATS
Tips for common PC problems
Unit Eight Multimedia
Section One: Situational Dialog
The Concept of Multimedia
Section Two: Passages
Passage A: What Is Multimedia?
Passage B: Multimedia Applications for the Classroom
Section Three: Skill in Focus
Computer English Writing, Part 3
Section Four: Extended Reading
Army Experiments with Multimedia-enabled Helmet Technology
Edit and Save Photos and Videos with Nero Multimedia Suite 10
Tips for common PC problems
附录1 计算机英语术语词汇表
附录2 项目可行性报告及建议范文
附录3 参考答案
附录4 参考译文
