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定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 堵海鹰,谈先文 主编,陈金平 分册主编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787118071566 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 201 字数:  






Unit 1
 Dialogue Good Morning !
 Text A English Is a Useful Language
 Military Vocabulary Words of Command
 Text B The Atmosphere
Unit 2
 Dialogue What Is This 9
 Text A A Lovely Campus
 Military Vocabulary Arms & Services
 Text B The Sea
Unit 3
 Dialogue What Are You Doing !
 Text A American Holidays
 Military Vocabulary Military Unit
 Text B Light
Unit 4
 Dialogue What Sports Do You Like?
 Text A Cities in America
 Military Vocabulary Military Ranks
 Text B Electricity
Unit 5
 Dialogue Can You Tell Me the Way to the Library?
 Text A The West Point Military Academy
 Military Vocabulary Soldiers of the Forces
 Text B Heat
Unit 6
 Dialogue How Many People Are There in Your Family!
 Text A A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed
 Military Vocabulary Military Academies
 Text B What Makes an Airplane Fly (1)
Unit 7
 Dialogue What's the Time, Please?
 Text A The Wonders of Computer
 Military Vocabulary Military Websites
 Text B What Makes an Airplane Fly (2)
Unit 8
 Dialogue I Am Very Proud to Be a Radarman
 Text A The Origin of Radar
 Military Vocabulary Radar
 Text B Radar Is Useful
 Key & Translat ion
