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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语美国史学习指导书(英文版)



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作 者: 高芳英 主编
出版社: 合肥工业大学出版社
标 签: 英语专业


ISBN: 9787565003639 出版时间: 2011-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 221 字数:  






To the Student
Chapter 1 .Industrialization and Urbanization
 Economic Growth after the Civil War
 Review Questions
Chapter 2.An Emerging World Power
 Foreign Affairs in the 1890s
 The First World War, 1914--1918
 Review Questions
Chapter 3 .. The Twenties = Prosperity
 Harding and Coolidge, 1921--1929
 Economic and Social Developments of the 1920s
 Review Questions
Chapter 4.The Dream Turns to Dust and the Reform
 Hoover and the Great Depression, 1928  1933
 The Domestic Reforms of the New Deal, 1933--1939
 Review Questions
Chapter 5.The Road to World War II
 The Background of World War II and U.S.
 Foreign Affairs, 1933 -1941
TheU.S. in the Second World War, 1941---1945
Review Questions
Chapter 6.Postwar Challenges, the Cold War
 Foreign Affairs under Truman, 1945--1953
 Foreign Affairs under Eisenhower, 1953  1961
 The Vietnam War
 Review Questions
Chapter 7.The Affluent Society
 Significant Social and Economic
 Developments, 1933--1964
 The Kennedy Administration, 1961--1963
 The Lyndon Johnson Administration, 1964  1969
 Review Questions
Chapter 8:The Lean Years
?The Nixon Years
 The Economic Downturn
 The New Activism: Environmental and
 Consumer Movements
 Review Quest ions
Chapter 9 : Dynamic Conservatism
 Reagan Administration, 1981--1989
 Ending the Cold War
 Review Questions
Chapter10:The Close of the Century
 Clinton and the Robust Economy
 Popular Culture and Popular Technology
 Review Questions
 Ⅰ General or Survey Final Examination Review Questions
 Ⅱ. American Presidents and Vice Presidents
 Ⅲ References
