part 1. replication
1. introduction
what's this replication stuff anyway?
so, backups are not needed then?
what's with all the monitoring?
is there anything else i can read?
2. mysql replication fundamentals
basic steps in replication
configuring the master
configuring the slave
connecting the master and slave
a brief introduction to the binary log
what's recorded in the binary log
watching replication in action
the binary log's structure and content
python support for managing replication
basic classes and functions
operating system
server class
server roles
creating new slaves
cloning the master
cloning the slave
scripting the clone operation
performing common tasks with replication
3. the binary log
structure of the binary log
binlog event structure
logging statements
logging data manipulation language statements
logging data definition language statements
logging queries
load data infile statements
binary log filters
part 2. monitoring and disaster recovery
part 3. high availability environments
appendix: replication tips and tricks