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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术收藏鉴赏清代鼻烟壶



定 价:¥156.00

作 者: 张荣 著,王国振,汉定 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中国国宝系列
标 签: 收藏/鉴赏


ISBN: 9787508518459 出版时间: 2010-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20开 页数: 166 字数:  


  Asnuff bottle, as asnuff container, represents a unique variety of China s ancientcultural relics. It first appeared in the royal court in theEmperor Kangxi Period (1661-1722) of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),became popular in the capital, and influenced the entire nation. Itwas made by large quantities in the royal and civil works.This book introduces the qing dynasty snuffbottle.


  ZhangRong, born in 1963, graduated from the Department of History ofNankai University, majoring in museums. She has been working forthe Palace Museum in Beijing since 1985, and once served as deputydirector of the Palace Department, and director of the AncientObjects Department. She holds the academic title of researchfellow.Major works published: Models of AncientLacquerwork and Appreciation, Snuff Bottles:Cultural Relics inPalm and Ancient Lacquerwrok.


Glass snuff bottles
Enameled Metal Bodu Snuff Bottles
Jade Snuff Bottles
Porcelain Snuff Bottles
Snuff Bottles Made of Other Materials
Internally Drawn Snuff Bottles
A Record of Auction of Collections
Catalogue of Snuff.Bottle Materials
