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The Research Institute of Boao Forum for Asia:Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2011

The Research Institute of Boao Forum for Asia:Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2011

定 价:¥125.00

作 者: 本社 编
出版社: 北京对外经济贸易大学出版社有限责任公司
标 签: 国际经济


ISBN: 9787811349672 出版时间: 2011-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 79 字数:  




暂缺《The Research Institute of Boao Forum for Asia:Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2011》作者简介


 1.Competitiveness -the Foundation of Future Development ofAsia
 2.The Origin of Annual Report 2011
 3.The Significance of Annual Report 2011
 4.The Logical Frame of Annual Report 2011
Part One Annual Report 2011--Competitiveness of AsianEconomies
 Chapter 1 The Present Research Situation of NationalCompetitiveness Evaluation
  1.1 Origin ofthe Research on National Competitiveness
  1.2 Theoretical Bases and Distinctions of NationalCompetitiveness Evaluation
  1.3 Assessment of National Evaluation System for Competitivenessof WEF and IMD
 Chapter 2 Introduction to Competitiveness Index of AsianEconomies
  2.1 Purpose and Philosophy of the Evaluation
  2.2 Competitiveness Index
  2.3 The Evaluation indices of Competitiveness
 Chapter 3 Evaluation Report of Competitiveness of AsianEconomies
  3.1 Target of Evaluation
  3.2 Evaluation Result
  3.3 Analysis of Evaluation Result
Part Two Annual Report 2011--Competitiveness of Listed AsianEnterprises
 Chapter 4 Market Status of Enterprises' Competitiveness Evaluationin the World
  4.1 A Review of Current Enterprises'Competitiveness EvaluationFields
  4.2 Significance of Listed Asian Enterprises'CompetitivenessEvaluation
 Chapter 5 Introduction to Competitiveness Index of Listed AsianEnterprises
  5.1 Construction Principles of Competitiveness Evaluation IndexSystem
  5.2 Composition of Evaluation Index for Competitiveness of ListedAsian Enterprises
 Chapter 6 Evaluation Report of Competitiveness of Listed AsianEnterprises
  6.1 Target of Listed Asian Enterprises'CompetitivenessEvaluation
  6.2 Evaluation Result and Related Analysis
  6.3 Listed Asian Enterprises' Competitiveness: Result andAnalysis of Sub-category Evaluation
 Chapter 7 Competitiveness of Listed Asian Enterprises--Rankings2010
  7.1 Rankings 2010 by Comprehensive Capacity: Listed AsianEnterprises'Competitiveness (300)
  7.2 Rankings 2010 by Categories: Listed AsianEnterprises'Competitiveness (50)
  7.3 Rankings 2010 by Regions: Listed Asian Enterprises'Competitiveness (50)
  7.4 Rankings 2010 by Industries: Listed AsianEnterprises'Competitiveness (10)
