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The Boao Forum for Asia :The Development of Emerging Economies Annual Roport 2011

The Boao Forum for Asia :The Development of Emerging Economies Annual Roport 2011

定 价:¥125.00

作 者: 本社 编
出版社: 北京对外经济贸易大学出版社有限责任公司
标 签: 国际经济


ISBN: 9787811349627 出版时间: 2011-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 88 字数:  


  《博鳌亚洲论坛新兴经济体发展(2011年度报告)(英文版)》主要内容为Economic Basics of the Ell、Changing International Status of the E11、Overall Economic Performance of the E11、Economic Cooperation Among the E11、Country Report of the E11、Challenges Facing the E11、Epilogue等。


暂缺《The Boao Forum for Asia :The Development of Emerging Economies Annual Roport 2011》作者简介


Chapter I Economic Basics of the Ell
 1.1 Overall Economic Development
 1.2 Basic Price Situation
 1.3 Finance and External Financial Position
Chapter 2 Changing International Status of the E11
 2.1 Changing International Status
 2.2 Changing Global Competitiveness
 2.3 Corporate Rankings of the E]]
Chapter 3 Overall Economic Performance of the E11
 3.1 Overall Economic Performance
 3.2 Analysis of Growth Impetus
 3.3 Overall Trade and Investment Performance
Chapter 4 Economic Cooperation Among the E11
 4.1 Economic Cooperative Mechanism of the E11
 4.2 Trade Links Among the E11
 4.3 Direct Investment Among the E11
 4.4 Financial Cooperation Among the E11
Chapter 5 Country Report of the E11
 5.1 Argentina
 5.2 Brazil
 5.3 China
 5.4 India
 5.5 Indonesia
 5.6 Korea
 5.7 Mexico
 5.8 Russia
 5.9 Saudi Arabia
 5.10 South Africa
 5.11 Turkey
Chapter 6 Challenges Facing the E11
 6.1 Challenge of Excess Liquidity for the E11
 6.2 Challenge of Unbalanced Current Account for the E11
 6.3 Challenge of Fluctuating Commodities Prices for theE11 
 6.4 Challenge of Climate Change and Environment for the E11
 6.5 Challenge of Participation in Global Governance for theE11
Chapter 7 Epilogue
