The way of being worshiped is that one day your name becomesabbreviation. Like T,C,D in the famous brand, so as the topstudents. But what is the difference? Their names are alwaysA,A,and A.
Brave can not save the life. Neither can change the destiny. But itcan save yourself, keeps you confidence when you are indilemma.
Scores heap the future. You can never count on a 40-score paperpromising you a bright future like the 150’s.
Top university is just like DKNY. You know it isn’t your style, butyou still want to have a try.
I know what exactly I want to do. Dianna Vreeland said, I nevercare about what other people think.
When the essence of life shows up it’s dark side, persistenceshines the light of dignity. It’s a brave and noble way ofliving.